Congratulations Lady Niners!
Pat Jensen
Linda Brisnehan got her hole–in–one on Nov. 12, 2024, on league kickoff day. It was on the 4th hole of Tuscany Falls East.
Betty Johnson got her hole–in–one on Dec. 6th, 2024, on hole number 4 on the Eagle’s Nest Course.

Terry Kay turns a notorious unlucky day into a lucky one with an ace.
Terry Kay Aces the 8th Hole at Eagle’s Nest on Friday the 13th
Howie Tiger
On Friday, Dec. 13 Terry Kay made a hole-in-one on the 8th hole at Eagles Nest while playing in his regular Friday golf group. Maybe “Friday the 13th” is not so unlucky after all! This was Terry’s second career hole-in-one.
The 8th hole was playing 148 yards from the blue tees to a back right pin placement just short of the plateau. His playing partners were Merrick Blumenthal and Dave Burkhalter. Terry hit a little 7-iron with a baby draw. His ball landed on the green, softly bounced to the right, and disappeared. Initially, Terry thought his ball went behind a mound. But, Merrick said, “That went in!” Terry was not so sure. As Terry approached the green, he saw a ball about 10 feet beyond the pin. But, Dave said “That’s my ball. I think you went in.” Terry said “Really?” So, Dave takes a video of Terry approaching the hole. Terry is finally convinced as he sees his ball in the hole and their celebration begins.
As a coincidence, Terry had just started collecting for their group’s hole-in-one pot the day before. Who knew that the pot would be started and emptied in less than 24 hours?
This was Terry’s 2nd ace in his 60-year golf career. His first one came at the Victory course at Verrado in 2018.
Terry, aka “TK,” grew up in Salem, Ore. He played golf as a youngster at Salem Golf Club, a public golf course designed and built by his grandparents in 1927. His grandmother (nickname Happy) was an Oregon Amateur State Champion.
He graduated from the University of Oregon in 1976. He served as a Legislative Assistant to Senator Bob Packwood in Washington, D.C., for four years. While doing so, he attended American University Law School at night. Then he attended Lewis & Clark Northwestern School of Law where he finished his law degree.
He ran the Senator’s staff in Oregon for two years. He started his own law firm in 1981. His firm focused on business litigation. He and his wife Teri started snow birding in PebbleCreek in 2016.
Congrats on hitting a great shot and emptying the “short-lived pot!”

Leasa Curtin
Hole-in-One: An Ace for Leasa Curtin!
Congratulations to Leasa Curtin, who scored a hole-in-one on Eagle’s Nest hole number 4 on Dec. 18, 2024. She was playing in a foursome with Joyce Andersen, Jerry DiLeonardo, and William Dougherty.
Scott Carnahan Scores His Second HIO During Couples Tournament
Carole Schumacher
Scott Carnahan scored an ace on Dec. 21, 2024, at Tuscany Falls West on hole number 3 while playing in the PebbleCreek Couples Step Aside Scramble Tournament.
Scott and his wife, Tammy Carnahan, were paired with Ken and Carole Schumacher who started the shotgun round on hole number 2 where they had just putted in for a birdie to start the day.
Tammy was prepping some birdie juice at the 3rd tee to celebrate number two when she said to Carole, “You know Scott’s been golfing for nearly 60 years and has only had one hole-in-one.”
“Well, then let’s toast to another hole-in-one today,” was Carole’s response to Tammy as Scott stepped onto the tee box.
The flag was positioned at 133 yards and Scott hit a nice 9 iron and we all watched the white Calloway disappear at the red flag. The team was unable to confirm that the ball had actually fallen into the hole since everyone knows the ball could have just been hiding behind the flag. Ken hit his tee shot while we all wondered if it could really be true.
The Carnahans sped to the hole to ascertain fate for today. And it was in the hole. Scott wrote his name on the “Closest to the Pin” marker and stuck it, along with the flag, back into the hole. This was a huge disappointment to Dave Korba who was certain that his great “3 feet from the hole” shot would take the CTP competition for the day. “Sorry Dave,” said Scott.
After the dutiful photos, Tammy asked if the ladies needed to go back to the red tee box to hit their tee shots and the group decided that the ACE was good enough for that hole prior to moving on to hole number 4.
At hole number 5, Scott’s tee shot hit the flag and bounced left instead of down into the hole. The team did win 2nd net for their flight in the competition for the day.
Scott started golfing when he was 12 years old in San Dimas, Calif., and won his first Junior Club Championship in 1971 at age 13. Tammy witnessed Scott’s first HIO at Jacksonville Golf & Country Club in January 2022.
Scott and Tammy moved to PebbleCreek in August 2023 from Jacksonville, Fla. “We love it here and have made many new golfing friends! Amazing community and love playing these wonderful courses and all of the events PC has to offer,” said Scott.
Following golf, Scott, Tammy, Ken, and Carole got to celebrate in the newly opened Westwind Tavern with a few cocktails and a pizza.
Congratulations, Scott!