Get to Know the PAC

Dave Silverstein, Performing Arts Council

The PebbleCreek Performing Arts Council (PAC) will present an informative and entertaining event in our theater on Feb. 6 at 10 a.m. The four groups who comprise the PAC are PebbleCreek Players (dramas and comedies), ShowTime (musicals and revues), PC Singers, and PC Musicians. Each group will spend a few minutes describing what they do and showing you some wonderful entertainment. If you have never been to one of our shows, I promise you that you will be amazed at the talent we have in our community. At approximately 11 a.m. we will move into the Chianti Room for cookies and coffee. Each of the groups will have an information table where you can sign up to become a member, learn about opportunities that the club offers, and learn how to purchase tickets for their shows. There will also be a table set up for anyone who may be interested in working with sound or lights in our theater. This is a free event. While it is mainly designed to inform newcomers to our community, anyone interested in learning more about the performing arts groups is welcome to attend. I would encourage you to RSVP at [email protected] so we can make sure we have enough refreshments. On behalf of the PAC I am looking forward to seeing you on the morning of Feb. 6.