Genealogy Club Member Social on August 19

Denise Beeson

Mark your calendar for Friday, Aug. 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. The Genealogy Club is hosting a Wine Tasting Social open to members. Please join us!

The Genealogy Club’s mission is to educate and support the members of the PebbleCreek (PC) genealogy community in genealogical research, including computer databases, offline records, and source documentation.

There is no monthly meeting in August—the club’s next meeting is Monday, Sept. 11. The first hour of the meeting, 9 to 10 a.m., is dedicated to tips and tricks presented by the members. From 10 to 11 a.m. there will be a guest speaker on a genealogy topic. Then, from 11 a.m. to noon is the business meeting and time for you to meet your groups: Do you have a research question or need assistance in your research? Bring your laptop, your questions, and your curiosity, and let’s work and share together to move our family trees forward. 

Special Interest Group (SIG) hosts are available to you as a benefit of membership! SIG group leaders are specialists in their area ranging from a new beginners genealogy group to researching Colonial America, Scotland, Canada, Germany, and DNA.

The Genealogy Club leadership team: Judy Husk, Marilyn Kinnie, John and Kathy Koch, Jackie Jenkins, Barb Downey, Jayne Parise, Erick Riswick, Marsha Wallick, and Larry Johnson. Contact a team member if you have any questions or need assistance.