Front, left to right: Nancy Love (hike leader), Jeanette Wellman, Hal King, Sandy Mednick, Debbie Barbe, Linda Vaughn, Kristine Hanlon, Cathy Wills, Art Solorio, Tom Lenertz (guest); back: Lynn Warren, Bob Lenertz, Marty Gilligan (guest), Tom Wellman, Wayne McKinney, Kay Thomas and Mike McEvilly enjoying the morning sun in front of the Stone Throne; photo by Doug Jamiolkowski.
Betsy Crosson
PebbleCreek’s one and only French club met this month for one of their special gatherings. The Fête de Noel is always a joyous event and was held at the home of Galen and Deborah Legan in early December. About 30 guests were treated to the Legan’s six-foot Eiffel Tower lit up with small white lights when they entered the house. Of course, Le Cercle Français members always indulge in holiday food with a French emphasis—no Fête de Noel would be complete without Janine Drabier’s mousse au chocolat or the Christmas cake called Buche de Noel. As people used to write in days of old—”the tables were groaning under the weight of all the food!”
In addition to speaking French and a gift exchange, Janine Drabier led the club in singing French Christmas carols while Rex Lambert and Rob Risden played accompaniment on the trumpet and accordion. The club members would like to take this opportunity to wish its PebbleCreek community a joyous holiday season and a wonderful new year! People interested in joining the French club for the year of 2017 should contact Deborah Legan at [email protected]. Members meet the first and third Tuesdays of the month for casual French speaking and members take turns hosting throughout the year.