French Club Wine Tasting

George Philippon, President, PC French Club

The PebbleCreek French Club enjoyed a French Wine Tasting at Total Wine. Members Janice and Dick Gerhart worked with the store’s Wine Team to choose a wide assortment of wines. From champagnes to white wines, from rosés to reds—their history in the French culture as well as the geography and the grape species was explained by the Wine Team. Members brought pairings for each wine based on the team’s recommendations. Shown here in the front row: Nicole Lambert, MJ Smyrl, Patrice Cole, Betsy Crosson, Maruicette May; middle row: Josee Jackman, Laurence Bechu, Marie-Christine Couturier, Janice Gerhart, Sharon Webb, Peggy Steffan, Bill Steffan, Maggie Philippon, Pauline Beaulieu; back row: George Philippon, Al Crosson, Bob Cole, Yvon Lambert, and Louis Beaulieu. Not pictured: Richard Gerhart and Gerard Couturier.