For the Love of PebbleCreek Tennis

Donna Gillen

The Tennis Club is a tight knit group of awesome individuals as well as couples. I’ve written in more detail about a few of them. Here is the rest of my story on awesome couples that I have gotten to know these past three years or more. They all have become family to me, and I send my appreciation and true fondness to all the club members, not just those who I have highlighted.

Many honorable mentions are couples you just need to know because they bring lightness into your life, are uplifting, and are the cornerstones of our club:

* Rachel and Clifford Hopps are always fun to play with, their smiles bring out the best in everyone they meet.

* The kind and compassionate Diana and Peter Chimicles.

* Lively person and excellent hiker Vicki Carter, along with her husband, the very talented and fun player, Dennis.

* Our Linda and Ed Elliott, who are always available to support your endeavors and there to bounce ideas off on, whether it is about tennis events or activities for the club.

* Now we could not ever forget our very own Mr. and Mrs. Tennis: Jill and Jerry Santy. These two are the foundation of what the club is today.

* I am again so blessed to know the cheerful Debbie and John O’Grady, newer residents of PC who brought so much joy here.

* If I need to be uplifted, I can always count on the entertaining Philip and Judy Gaines Horowitz.

* My mentor as the secretary of the club was Roxanne and her husband Gary Forrest—another fun couple to spend time with.

* One of the first couples I got to know was Cathy and Tom Lopez. If you know Tom, ask him about Santa Claus!

* I know Jim and Carol McKenna through other adventures, they’re also in the Irish American Club. Through these two seasoned members, I have become a better team player.

* We have so many special and wonderful couples in the club, I could not forget these two wonderful players who happened to be married to each other for eons, Vanette and Robert Pinto.

* If you have read my recent articles you have noted that I have a truly soft spot for Dan and Jeanne Schimmelpfennig. They are another power couple that burst with love in all they do.

The heart of these articles is to reflect on this: It’s not how big a club you are, but how close you are with one another. For those of you I have not reflected on, you are still a part of the beauty that reigns in our club. Our greatness in the PC Tennis Club is our closeness with one another as we travel through the autumn of our lives in love, health, and fitness.