Faith-Based Movies Hosted by PebbleCreek Community Church

Perhaps you have noticed the recent plethora of professional faith-based movies in the theaters? PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC), in partnership with Robson Reserve, is presenting movies like this in the beautiful Robson Reserve Theater.

Beginning last spring, PCCC has shown these movies: Paul, Christmas with The Chosen, Jesus Revolution, and War Room. Next, on March 7, is the movie Risen, telling of a Roman military tribune who comes to change his beliefs as he investigates the mystery of what happened to Jesus after his crucifixion. On April 4, we’ll host the movie Sound of Freedom based on the true story of a government agent who quits his job to rescue a girl from child traffickers in Colombia, South America. This past year, BoxOffice Pro awarded Angel Studios an honorable mention as theatrical distributor of the year based on the strength of Sound of Freedom at the box office.

Enjoy movies of faith and inspiration at PebbleCreek. Mark your calendars to try out this programing in the coming months. Movie time is the first Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. These presentations are free and open to the community; most movies include closed captioning.

PCCC is a non-denominational church that meets each Sunday at 9 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. You are invited to attend our services and enjoy wonderful music, solid Biblical preaching, fellowship, and an emphasis on Missions. You can also view our morning worship service on and obtain additional information through our church website at