This amazing headdress artwork is made out of gourd.
Sherry Blatner
It’s time again to shout out Oh My Gourd—shortened to OMG in the Creek. Can you imagine the skill involved to create a headdress out of gourd? Initially I thought it was fiber, but the artist arrived by happenstance as I was taking a picture and told me he purchases the gourds he needs for this type of piece in California. Just amazing workmanship!
Taking the time to tour the Creative Arts Center is just like touring a museum. The level of craftsmanship is outstanding. The showcase windows highlight the craft of the wood carvers, painters, fiber artists, pottery and ceramic artisans, jewelry makers, paper crafters, and glass workers. Not everything that is showcased is for sale, but it is all fantastic to gaze upon.
In the Gallery and Gift Shop, everything is for sale. We’re pleased when you support the work of your neighbors and friends. There are lots of new items for you this summer. We are now carrying clothes for Barbie dolls as well as the American Girl dolls. We also have wearable art for babies and adults. Come in and find your style.
There are many small fabric gift items available and they pack so well for your summer travels. We have eyeglass cases, small zippered sacks, jewelry holders, and much more.
If you’re not able to travel but want to send a greeting to someone special in your life, check out the racks of handmade cards that will surely state your message to a T.
So, beat the heat and visit the Creative Arts Center for an enjoyable time.