Electronic voting coming to PCHOA Board elections

Your PebbleCreek Homeowners Association is implementing a new, electronic voting system this fall that will enable you to cast your ballots in future HOA elections, using your computer or other electronic devices — saving time, money and paper.

The system, to debut in this fall’s board-member election, employs the services of VoteHOANow, a national vendor that specializes in online HOA-election management. More than 50 Arizona owner associations already use the company’s system, which meets all legal requirements for HOA elections.

Look for further information in PebbleCreek Post, PebbleNews and your email in-box on how you can access the benefits this change will provide, such as:

• Quick, easy voting process

• Access from anywhere

• Privacy of secure, secret balloting

• Eco-friendly approach

Paper ballots will remain available, upon request.

Thank you for your participation in this important election process.