Committee for the High Holiday Club presents Generations After speaker Minia Kalish

Brenda Hyman

Tuesday, March 1, 2016—7:00 to 8:30 p.m. – Tuscany Clubhouse—Capri Room—PC High Holidays Club continues with our new program affectionately called “Chai High.”

Our fifth presentation in the series is most relevant. With the approaching Yom Hashoah observances around the world, it is important to remember that the survivors of the Holocaust are dwindling in numbers but that doesn’t lessen the importance of their stories; instead, it increases their value for future generations Therefore, the torch has been passed to the second and third generations to continue this task. Generations After is such a group: It was created as a speaker’s bureau to provide testimony of what happened to their families. Generations After is a part of the Phoenix Survivors Association of Scottsdale.

There is another chapter in the story of historical events. What was it like for the children of survivors? What was it like to grow up in the shadows of so many lost family members?

Our focus on Tuesday, March 1 will be on Minia Kalish’s story, but if there are any others with similar experiences in our community, you are invited to attend and step up to add your stories also.

So—come and join our club for this next lecture (at no charge). You will learn firsthand from Minia Kalish about being the child of a Holocaust survivor. You will have many surprising revelations as well as insights. The floor will be open afterward for additional questions from our audience. Please email Brenda Hyman at [email protected] for sign up. Each email will be time-stamped and once capacity is reached (40 guests), you will be wait-listed.
