Traci Baker, Director of Community Activities & Communications

Left to right: Bob Paine, Nancy Wilson Smith, Bill Barnard, Jack Gregory (photo by Priscilla Wardlow)
During the annual HOA Board Committee Volunteer Recognition event on Jan. 24, 2024, Bill Barnard, General Manager, announced the PebbleCreek Volunteer of the Year. Volunteer of the Year is selected by the HOA Board, and given to a community member whose service to the Board has been exceptional.
This year’s recipient, Nancy Wilson Smith, has lived in the community since 2005 and has been an active volunteer for the HOA for many years. Some highlights of her volunteer service include having led the former Unit Rep’s program, serving as ALC Chair, serving two full elected terms on the HOA Board from 2012 through 2016, and serving in multiple volunteer roles for LifeLong Learning, including serving on their board. Nancy participated in research and planning for Leadership Training for future board members, Strategic Planning efforts, and the Community Enhancement Fund initiative. She championed the expansion of communications efforts throughout the community, was instrumental in the formation of the current Performing Arts Council, and was an integral part in the development and implementation of the current New Homeowner Orientation program, serving as Moderator of the program to this day. Nancy is currently serving in a key leadership role on the Transition Advisory Group leading the Legal and Governance Team.
When recently asked by the election committee to share some reasons that motivated her service to PebbleCreek, here is what our honoree said: “I decided to run for the board because I felt my management and leadership experience from a long career in a large global association could help the community become more professionally managed. During my tenure, the board created the position of General Manager and established our website to house readily accessible HOA information and more effectively communicate to the community. We made a number of other changes that have greatly helped ensure the health, value, safety, and continued success of our community. It was a lot of work, but I found it truly rewarding.”
Congratulations to this year’s very deserving HOA Volunteer of the Year, Nancy Wilson Smith. She has done, and continues to do, so much for PebbleCreek.