Category: Sports

Gimme Girls Play at Luke Air Force Base

The Gimme Girls golf group met at Luke Air Force Base on Friday, Oct. 13 and enjoyed a beautiful day of golf. The players, left to right, are: Diana Hull, Susan Bentson, Pat DeMatties, Judy Layton, Kathy Carney, Maria Murray, Sue White, Mary Barry, Lynn Grice, Julie Webb, Cheryl Skummer, and Judy Floyd.

PebbleCreek Billiard Club October Winners

Johnny Henson Monday noon to 2 p.m. 8-Ball tournament winners were Rene Lefebvre and Johnny Henson. Tuesday 8 a.m.  8-Ball tournament winners were Lynn Warren (x2), Bill Frustaglia, and Johnny Henson. Wednesday 2 p.m. 9-Ball tournament winners were Blair Dreyfus (x2) and Rene Lefebvre. Friday 8 a.m. 9-Ball tournament winners were Bob Macy (x2), Rene Lefebvre, and Dan Harris. Friday 4…

Poker Tennis

Donna Gillen Who ever thought you could lose your tennis game and still be a winner? Well, Vikki Constable, tournament director for the tennis club, came up with a winner of an event: “Poker Tennis.” The concept was simple: win or lose, you get a playing card. At the end of the five sets of…

Bocce Club Sees Significant Increase in Memberships

Tom Bose, PC Bocce Ball President The PC Bocce club has seen a significant increase in its membership. In the fall season the demand for evening play was so great that we added a Wednesday night league. We had already planned on a Tuesday afternoon league for the winter season. Registration completed at the end of…