Category: Generals

PC HOA Board of Directors meeting – October 21 minutes (draft)

PebbleCreek Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting October 21, 2015 Tuscany Falls Ballroom 11:00 a.m. John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice President/PCHOA, Gregg Clymer/Vice President/PCHOA/Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Secretary/PCHOA Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA. Motion by: Nancy Wilson Smith to approve the proposed draft of the June 17, 2015, Board of Directors meeting minutes, seconded…

PCHOA Budget summary – 9-15 YTD

The September 2015 financials continued to show positive performance through the third quarter of the year. The September year-to-date revenue is 5.8% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their planned revenue targets. Continued strong resident support of the dining and golf facilities have been a significant factor to these positive results. September had 13…

Halloween dance costume winners

PebbleCreek Halloween Dance Winner Best Costume Couple Roberta Diles and John Donivan

Traci Baker This year’s Halloween dance was extra Spooktacular with more amazing costumes and fun than any other monster mash we know of! Attendees boogey-manned all night to the sounds of DJ Jim Allen who scared up some of the best tunes from the 50s through today that had even the most tightly wrapped mummies…

22nd annual Christmas Day Potluck

Jane Cook Friday, December 25 is our twenty-second annual Christmas Day Potluck in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Those who have reservations are to arrive at 9:00 a.m. to set your table and return at 1:30 p.m. with your potluck dishes. The dinner will start about 2:00 p.m. after a Blessing. Random table numbers will be…

Veterans Day Tribute recap

PebbleCreek Color Guard

Traci Baker On Veterans Day November 11, 2015 many residents of PebbleCreek were part of a truly patriotic program at the Renaissance Theatre. A program filled with gratitude for all the men and women who are serving or have served our country in the military. Beginning with the Arizona Sons of the American Revolution, the…