Lynn Warren Snow is falling in the mountains and a new ski season is upon us. PebbleCreek doesn’t have a ski club but many PebbleCreekers belong to Valley of the Sun Ski Club (formerly Sun Cities Ski Club) which is open to all Arizonans. Meetings are held at the SCW Foundation in the Webb Room,…
Category: December 2014
Clubs & Classes, December 2014
PC Hiking Club – December 2014

Hikers explore Mecca Hills Lynn Warren The PebbleCreek Hiking club goes on several overnight trips to hike in interesting locations such as Zion, Grand Canyon, etc. The hikers would recommend getting the help of Kanab Utah tours to learn more about the history and be guided to the best places of the Grand Canyon, as…
Generals, December 2014
HOA Website Ways – December 2014
PebbleNews celebrates a birthday Priscilla Wardlow PebbleNews, our community’s weekly electronic newsletter, will turn one this month! In December 2013, the Unit Reps were the first recipients of this new communication vehicle which they passed on to the homeowners in their Units. In January 2014, PebbleNews began direct delivery into the email boxes of each…
Generals, December 2014
PCHOA budget summary September 2014 YTD
The September 2014 financial results show that the HOA is in good financial standing through the third quarter. The continued strong financial performance by all departments shows the HOA YTD revenues being 4.4% favorable to budget exceeding the planned revenue targets. September had 16 new home closings, including five new villas, bringing the year to…
Generals, December 2014
PebbleCreek Halloween Dance Wii Be Good Bowling Team wins awards
Features, December 2014
Resident publishes Chief Justice: A Supreme Court Insider’s Novel

PebbleCreek resident Doug McFarland has recently published Chief Justice: A Supreme Court Insider’s Novel. It gives an inside, intimate and accurate view of life inside the Supreme Court of the United States (such as lunch in the Justices’ private dining room, the police officer who catches the robes flung in his direction as the Justices…
Generals, December 2014
Litchfield Park Library events
Nancy Stevenson December 4 at 1:00 p.m. R. J. Johnson from Blue Sky Farms will present Eating Local, Eating Healthy on community sponsored agriculture and the nutritional benefits of eating locally. Healthy Home – Healthy You will be presented December 19 at 1:00 p.m. Learn how to keep your home clean with essential oils and…
Sports, December 2014
PebbleRock Pickleball concert

Pancho Epstein October 26 was a beautiful, warm Sunday. The Arizona Cardinals had just upset the Philadelphia Eagles. Then the real action began. PebbleRock opened the second annual PebbleCreek Pickleball Club Concert with the classic song Old Time Rock and Roll and from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. that’s exactly what approximately 400 club members and…
December 2014
The Wine Life – December 2014
The Harvest Andrew McCreery, D’Vine Gourmet Many eloquent words have been used to describe the annual grape harvest. All of the elements coming together to determine when the moment is just right for the grape to be plucked from the vine thus ending nature’s roll in the process of filling your glass. The handoff from…
Generals, December 2014
Silver Wing X-mas tree
Be a Santa to a senior in our local community, many of whom have had significant, positive influence in our lives. Stop by National Bank of Arizona at 13289 W. McDowell Road in Goodyear, Arizona. Starting on December 1, 2014, you can stop by and select a name from the tree located at NB/AZ and…