Ambrosia – January 21; two shows only This includes all the original band! Ambrosia is an American rock band formed in southern California in 1970. Ambrosia had five Top 40 hit singles on Warner Brothers Records released between 1975 and 1980, including the Top Five hits, How Much I Feel, You’re the Only Woman and Biggest Part…
Category: November 2017
Front Page, November 2017
The day is almost here! Art Walk 2017

Nancy Stifter Head on over to the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse to the annual Art Walk Show that we’ve all been waiting for! The members of the PebbleCreek Art Club will be displaying their artwork, much of it for sale, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, November 4. Meet the artists there to discuss their inspirations…
Sports, November 2017
PCM9GA offsite event at Falcon Dunes

Bruce Hulbert On Thursday, October 12 the PebbleCreek Men’s 9 Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) played its first offsite event of the year. We had 78 players, both members and guests. It was different from the perspective of pairings because normally PCM9GA pairings are done with random selection, but for these offsite events members can make…
Generals, November 2017
K-9 Unit Charity Golf Tournament coming in February

Jim Ellison PebbleCreek will be hosting the eighth annual charity golf tournament in support of the City of Goodyear’s Police Department K9 Unit. The Pet Companions Club is sponsoring this tournament and invites you to participate in this worthwhile event taking place Saturday, February 18, 2017, on the Tuscany Falls/Palms Golf Course (1:00 p.m. shot-gun).…
Sports, November 2017
Registration deadlines announced for 2018 winter Bocce season

Pat Milich More and more people are hearing about what a ball it is to play Bocce in PebbleCreek! That is why the volunteers who organize this popular activity are encouraging everyone who wants to participate in the Winter 2018 Season to get in their registration forms as soon as possible and to pay very…
Generals, November 2017
Annual Robson Chef’s Gala Bus Trip – Saturday, January 20
Preparations are underway for the annual Robson Chef’s Gala and you’ll want to plan now to be part of the experience. The annual Chef’s Gala is an amazing gastronomic evening where chefs from SaddleBrooke, Robson Ranch Arizona, Robson Ranch Texas, Quail Creek and, of course, PebbleCreek prepare their finest culinary offerings and compete for the…
Features, November 2017
In Passing

Jacynth (Jas) Davidson Davidson, Jacynth (Jas) George, 77, died September 3, 2017. Jas was born on February 8, 1940 in London, England during World War II; Jas was raised in Melbourne, Australia and attended St. Columba’s College before moving and raising her children in Canada. In 1983 the family settled in Phoenix, Arizona where tennis…
Generals, November 2017
Entertainment Book fundraiser to benefit Stable Influence Horse Therapy Program

Rod and Linda Grabau Please purchase your 2018 Entertainment Book full of great coupon deals—and at the same time you will be helping the Stable Influence Horse Therapy Program. The 2018 Entertainment Books offer coupons (ready to use immediately) for the Wild Life Zoo, golf, dining, car washes, museums, theater, symphony, sporting events and the list…
Clubs & Classes, November 2017
Bridge Results
Sanctioned Bridge Kathy Bergman Tucson held their annual Cactus Flower Non-Life Mater regional September 21 through 24. Congratulations to Janet and Roger Race for coming in first in the Friday Gold Rush Swiss winning 4.23 gold points. Winners at the Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday Sanctioned duplicate games are as follows in rank order (games are overall winners unless…
Clubs & Classes, November 2017
TGIS Finale

Nevin Nelson Much fun and delicious food was had by all at the grand finale of TGIS on Friday, September 29 in the Chianti Room. All summer long we have been treated to wonderful appetizers and a matching cocktail in the Portofino Room; however, the finale was special! We were greeted with a glass of…