Pat Atkinson All women who live in PebbleCreek are automatically members of the GoodTime Gals. Come alone or bring a friend to any of our activities. The GoodTime Gals have an e-mail to send you news and announcements. To be added to our e-mail list contact us at pcgoodtimegals@gmail with your name, address and phone…
Category: October 2016
Sports, October 2016
Tennis Club: Focus on Females
Features, October 2016
Comment card winner

Melissa Gonzales PebbleCreek homeowner Judy Ruck is the lucky winner of the September PebbleCreek comment card prize drawing! You may ask, “What did she win and why?” Judy filled out a comment card after dining at one of PebbleCreek’s restaurants, making her eligible for the drawing. Candice Pakitsos, Food & Beverage Event Coordinator, presented Judy…
Generals, October 2016
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek
Looking ahead to November First TED, Premier, MML and Trip LifeLong Learning will be in full gear by the first week in November. Be sure to mark your calendars now and plan to take care of reserving your spot when registration opens October 1. Thursday, November 3: TED Talks Return for Six Sessions After last…
Sports, October 2016
Labor Day Pickleball celebration at PebbleCreek

Pam Smith The un-official end of summer holiday is more than packing up your swimsuit in PebbleCreek! A Labor Day social event kicked off at 7:30 a.m. on the Pickleball courts with fun and excitement for over 170 members of the PebbleCreek Pickleball Club with snacks, drinks, games and prizes for social and competitive play.…
Clubs & Classes, October 2016
“American Coyote – Still Wild at Heart” program October 5

Marge Ellison Because of the importance of our PebbleCreek residents coexisting successfully with coyotes in our community, The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek has asked resident Linda Bolon, founder of Wildlife in Neighborhoods, to join us again at our Wednesday, October 5 meeting. We will meet at 3:00 p.m. in Room 100 of the Eagle’s…
Clubs & Classes, October 2016
Come learn Kumihimo
Come and learn a new skill at the Creative Arts Center – Kumihimo. What is Kumihimo? It is an ancient form of Japanese braiding that was used for dressing the Samurai and is still used today for the Japanese kimono. With Western influence it has expanded to include beautiful cords used for jewelry, interior décor…
Generals, October 2016
PCHOA Board of Director elections – timelines and important voting information
Voting process explained for PCHOA board election Pat Ingalls Homeowners may hand ‘em in or mail ‘em in — whichever method of paper balloting they prefer — for voting in the PebbleCreek Homeowners Association 2016 election. Candidates are vying for a two-year, resident-volunteer vacancy on the PCHOA Board of Directors which begins January 1, 2017.…
Features, October 2016
2 Your Health: Understanding a breast cancer diagnosis

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the PebbleCreek Post dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing…
Generals, October 2016
Christmas Day Potluck reservations
It is not too early to make your reservations for the twenty-second annual Christmas Day Potluck. It will be held on Sunday, December 25 in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Last year 190 people attended. You will meet new PebbleCreekers and see old friends. To make your reservations send an e-mail to [email protected] or call Jane…