Category: September 2023

News from the Shalom Club

Judy Freidman The ladies of the Shalom Club had a wonderful lunch at Dino’s Greek & Italian Grill. It was a great way to stay cool and catch up with summer plans. The men and women have monthly luncheons at various local restaurants. We also host happy hours each week, which are very well attended. Some of…

High Holiday Services

The High Holiday Services will once again be led by Rabbi David Meyer. Rosh Hashanah, with a Kiddush luncheon following the service, is on Sept. 16, Kol Nidre on Sept. 24, and Yom Kippur service on Sept. 25. Services are open to all residents of PebbleCreek. The cost for all three services, including the Kiddush, is…

Genealogy Club News

Denise Beeson Mark your calendar for the Genealogy Club meeting on Monday, Sept. 11, 9 a.m. to noon in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room. The guest speaker is Lee Anderson. He will share with us the “real” cowboy history vs. the “reel” history of Hollywood legend, from 10 to 11 a.m. If you have any interest in early…

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

Mark your calendar for the 2023 Mistletoe Ball! The PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club (PCBDC) invites you to join us for an elegant evening of dinner, dancing, and socializing at the first ball of the holiday season! Meet Me Under the Mistletoe Friday, Nov. 10 5 to 10 p.m. Tuscany Falls Ballroom Attire: Country Club Semi-Formal/Black Tie…

Bridge Results

Monday Non-Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Sandy Blackburn As we continue these hot summer months, it’s a good time to think about staying inside and playing some bridge. This group meets in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest. If you are new to the community or have been a longtime resident and would like to play duplicate…

Democratic Club Looks Forward to Fall

The PebbleCreek (PC) Democratic Club is excited about their fall program that commences on Wednesday, Sept. 6. (See following details.) 2024 is an election year, and already prospective candidates are lining up to run for Arizona districts. PebbleCreek is in CD9, a large district that encompasses most of western Arizona. The PC Democratic Club is looking…

Supermoon over the Oasis Pool

The supermoon added extra ambiance to the Oasis Pool on Aug. 2. Earlier in the evening, the PebbleCreek Tennis Club enjoyed a social gathering at the pool, and we all felt so fortunate to have this oasis of beauty and serenity in our community. (Photo by Donna Gillen)

Calling All Ushers and Usher Wannabes—Part 2

Patti Wegehaupt, Activities Office To accommodate those who cannot attend on Sept. 28, an additional Usher Training session has been scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 2 at 2 p.m., in the Renaissance Theater for all current ushers and people who want to join the Usher group. All current ushers must attend that session to be added…

Dance into Fall

Flori Parham, PC Ballroom Dance Club Let’s welcome fall with a far out, groovy dance! Join the PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club Friday, Sept. 29, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom for this fun and memorable time. The cost is $10 per person for members and $15 per person for non-members. The cash bar opens at 5:30…