Category: Sports

Tennis Adventures from Around the World

Donna Gillen As the French Open and the Wimbledon tournaments have concluded and the U.S. Open will commence soon, it just seemed like the right time to find out what the PebbleCreek tennis players do to keep their skills polished and sharp. Tennis Club members were asked to divulge where they have played on an unusual…

Register Now for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association

Registration for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) 2023-24 Fall/Winter Season is currently underway. The deadline for registration is Aug. 15. The season is anticipated to begin Oct. 21 and run through March, depending on the number of registrations and teams. New players will have their skill level assessed to ensure that they can safely participate with…

Fall Bocce Registration Is Now Open

Tom Bose Registrations for the fall season of bocce will open on Aug. 1 and close on Aug. 31. There are forms online and you can either register a team of 6 to 12 members or individuals up to 5. The individuals will be placed on teams. The fall season runs for 8 weeks, from the…