Joanne Benz The PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club invites you to the first ball of the holiday season, their annual Mistletoe Ball, on Saturday, Nov. 13 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Festivities begin with a cash bar and appetizers, followed by an elegant gourmet dinner. The Soul Impression Band takes center stage for your dancing and…
Category: August 2021
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
New Fitness Class Available – Ageless Movement

Melissa Kallett Get ready to improve your life! Improve your ability to walk, run, cycle, garden, and play with the grandkids. Improve your pickleball, tennis, and golf game. It doesn’t matter your activity, this new Ageless Movement class will help you deal with nagging aches, pains, and tightness, and it will help you continue to lead…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
A.A. Serenity Group * Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. * The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. * There are no dues or…
Features, August 2021
Word of the Month: Thraldom
David Zapatka While reading page 52 of The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey in my book reading group, I ran across this sentence: “Let the soul be single in its purpose and freed from the thraldom of matter, and then right action and a right point of view will inevitably be the characteristics of the physical…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
PebbleCreek Quilter Assists Sewing Club

Linda Rowe and Pam Branfur PebbleCreek Quilt Club member Erma Taylor responded to a request from the PebbleCreek Sewing Club. The PebbleCreek Sewing Club was making little bags to hold feminine hygiene products collected for and donated to the Go With The Flow organization. Go With The Flow is a non-profit organization that provides menstrual products to…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
News from the PebbleCreek Shalom Club
Ronnie Levine The Shalom Club had a first-time Wii Bowling night on July 11. We are in the planning stages for some exciting events in 2021-22. High Holiday services for 2021 will be led by Rabbi David Mayer in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Rosh Hashanah services will be on Sept. 7, Kol Nidre service is on…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
Pottery Club Annual Slip Party

Jeff Wilson Once a year, Pottery/Sculpture Club volunteers gather to make clay slip for use by all club members throughout the year. Clay slip is simply clay that has had water added and then blended to the consistency of Elmer’s glue. Club members use slip when making hand-built projects to glue pieces together. It is…
Sports, August 2021
Last Chance to Sign Up to Play Softball This Fall/Winter
Marty Aalto The deadline to sign up for softball is Aug. 15. If you miss this deadline, you won’t be able to play until the spring season starting in April 2022. We offer two levels of play, and both require softball knowledge and some competitive skills. Go to for more information.
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
Bridge Results
PebbleCreek Sanctioned Bridge Kathy Bergman Winners at the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge games are as follows, in rank order (games are overall winners unless North/South and East/West are shown separately). June 1: N/S 1st Lynne Carlyle/Pat Owens, 2nd Betty Swenson/Cheryl LaMotta, 3rd Kathy Bergman/Judy Dekalb; E/W 1st Gary and Mimi Kenst, 2nd Chris…
Clubs & Classes, August 2021
Pottery/Sculpture Club Featured Artist: Susan Hill
Jeff Wilson It is hard to believe that Susan started her clay career just a few years ago by taking the beginning hand-building class here in PebbleCreek. Today, she is producing spectacular and unique large-scale work that she sells out of her home studio and during the December crafts sale sponsored by the Creative Arts Center.…