Lynn Warren On May 23, five PebbleCreek B hikers decided to check out a couple of new segments on the PCT—no, not the Pacific Crest Trail but a little closer to home on the Prescott Circle Trail. Since the hike began at around 6,000 feet elevation, and it was a little before the really hot…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
GoodTime Gals
Pat Atkinson All women who live in PebbleCreek are automatically members of the GoodTime Gals. Come alone or bring a friend to any of our activities. The GoodTime Gals have an email to send you news and announcements. To be added to our email list contact us at pcgoodtimegals@gmail with your name, address and phone…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
PC artists teach “Recycle Art” at Opportunity House

Charlene Romanos What do you do with cardboard paper towel and tissue paper rolls, Styrofoam meat packaging, used dryer sheets and scraps of yarn? You turn them into art! That is what artist volunteers Marianne Graff, Nancy Hampton and Charlene Romanos, from the PebbleCreek Art Club, recently demonstrated in a workshop on Recycle Art at…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Bruce Petrarca earns “Master Model Railroader” title

Mark Pelletier PebbleCreek Model Railroad Club member and President Bruce Petrarca has earned the title of Master Model Railroader (MMR) as designated by the National Model Railroad Association’s Achievement Program. Bruce is the 574th person to achieve this status in the 55 years since the program began. The process to achieve the MMR is somewhat…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Flair, Friendship, Fun

George Warden A newly formed club, Flair Friendship Fun Social Club in PebbleCreek, enjoyed one of their monthly events, an afternoon luncheon at the newly opened Angry Crab restaurant in Goodyear. The club has monthly social events throughout the community. All of our members are active seniors that enjoy many different activities. Some of the…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Are you tired of being sick and tired?
Are you drinking more and enjoying it less? Does it seem like you are more impatient with your spouse and others? Are loved ones telling you that you “seem to change” after you’ve been drinking. Have you taken a fall and been injured after a few “friendly” cocktails? Do you go around telling your doctor…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Spring Fling with Le Cercle Français

Betsy Crosson Le Cercle Français had their May meeting at the home of Rex and Shirley Lambert. As always, it was a special afternoon for French conversation and members were delighted to try a French cocktail called a “Kir.” This is a popular cocktail made with a black current liqueur called cassis and white wine…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Italian-American Club’s plans are underway for Poinsettia Ball
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
Brain healthy food for Alzheimer’s/Dementia patients
Rayma Scalzo If you are a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s/Dementia, you are invited to attend our Alzheimer’s/Dementia Caregiver Discussion Group on Saturday, July 16 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Kim Vitellaro-Rendler, BCHN, will be discussing brain healthy choices, supplements, foods that are easy to make into finger foods and tips on stimulating an appetite.…
Clubs & Classes, July 2016
PebbleCreek Car Club

Linda Babcock The hot weather of summer did not slow our car club members down. Car shows have slowed down during the day; however, evening shows have become popular. The Peoria Firefighters held their annual Fire It Up 2016 Car Show on May 21 in the early morning. Club members then met for a drive…