Category: Sports

John Heinz Wins Nine-Holers Club Championship

Ken Whitney The cold February weather did not stop the PebbleCreek Men’s 9-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) from keeping a full schedule of golf. The PCM9GA held its annual Member-Member tournament, a two-day competition with a four-man team scramble on day one and a two-man low net format on day two. The tournament hosted 144 golfers…

Putter’s Club Holds Cha Cha Cha Tournament

Karen Bush The PebbleCreek Putter’s Club held a Cha Cha Cha tournament on Feb. 27, 2023. The tournament directors Mark Handzel and John Howell planned the team event for 72 members that included a social event at the conclusion of the tournament. PC Putter’s Club holds putting sessions two days a week throughout the year.…

The Hot Shots Sizzle in the West Valley

Donna Gillen This year, PebbleCreek residents can relish in knowing that our men’s tennis teams dominated the West Valley with championship playing. The Hot Shots crushed their competition throughout the season. As the team captain, Randy Planck reflected, “This team won the league championship in compelling fashion; first defeating the Westbrook team 7-2 in the…

Winners, Winners, Winners

On March 28, the PebbleCreek Lady Niners celebrated 2023 winners for the following: * Senior Legacy—Low Gross, Tina Stepzinski, and Low Net, Patty Greene * Club Championship—Low Gross, Rhonda King, and Low Net, Mary Lynne Carson and Susie Malone * 2023 Arizona Golf Association 9-hole Medallion Champions—Our own PCL9GA Char Morrow and Cherri Baxter