June 7 Concert: Mick Adams & The Stones – Rolling Stones Tribute; on sale now at the Activities Office and Online; $30 June 11-13 Trip: Concert at the Christ Cathedral; on sale now at the Activities Office June 18 Bus Trip: The Lion King at ASU Gammage; on sale now at the Activities Office; $162…
Category: Generals
Generals, May 2020
Renew Your Artist Series Subscription
Traci Baker, Director, Community Activities and Communications The popular Artist Series subscription offers PebbleCreek entertainment lover’s tickets to six shows; two each in January, February, and March of every year. Current subscription holders can renew through April 30. New subscribers can submit applications at any time; however, those applications will only be considered after current…
Generals, May 2020
The Best Laid Plans
Larry Sessoms Scottish poet Robert Burns, among others, taught us that even the best laid plans often go awry. For our PebbleCreek Community Church, that included cancellation of Palm Sunday, Easter sunrise, and Easter morning formal services. Yet, in these times of crisis, creativity and innovation came to the forefront. Thanks to the talents within…
Generals, May 2020
PebbleCreek Live On Stage
Generals, May 2020
Kare Bear Presents Cancelled
Teri Sellers Kare Bears is cancelling all Kare Bears Presents for the months of May and June due to COVID-19. We have had the honor and privilege of bringing eight speakers each year to educate and inform the residents of PebbleCreek on various healthcare related topics. More often than not, we have hosted area physicians…
Generals, May 2020
Food Drive an Unprecedented Success
Teri Sellers, Kare Bears Programs Director Last year, the Kare Bears joined forces with the PebbleCreek Rotary Club to sponsor a community-wide food drive for the Agua Fria Food Bank. That food drive was very successful and helped many people. This year was different. The food drive was scheduled to start on April 13 and…
Generals, May 2020
Expressions Gallery and Gift Shop–MAYbe, MAYbe Not

Sherry Blatner I don’t know what to tell you about the Creative Arts Center and Expressions Gallery reopening, as I’m writing this article during the first week of April. I do know that, when reopened, the entire building will have been thoroughly cleaned, top to bottom for your safety, and filled with wonderful items. The Gallery staff…
Generals, May 2020
Join Us in Celebrating Flag Day
In honor of Flag Day, Raceway Elks Lodge No. 2852 will be presenting our annual Flag Day Ceremony on June 13, 2020, in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom at PebbleCreek. The ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. and is open to the public. Mark your calendars and plan to attend. The Flag Day ceremony is a…
Generals, May 2020
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek
Notes from the President Cathy Lindstrom Well, here we all are, sitting in our homes, reading the news and wondering what in heaven’s name comes next. If you are like me, you are fighting off some level of boredom when you don’t have meetings to go to, games of pickleball or golf to play, classes…