Rusty Rinehart We are having a dietitian come to speak about healthy foods for us through the summer and fall. She is a dynamic speaker and gives us lots of information to use to improve our heart health. WomenHeart is free and open to all women with or at risk for heart disease. Please come…
Category: May 2015
Generals, May 2015
New exhibit at the Litchfield Park Museum
The Litchfield Park Historical Society and Museum announces their new exhibit, World of Miniatures, by Master modeler Jeff Alderman. On view are miniatures of the RMS Queen Mary, one of the most famous ocean liners in history. This model is on loan from Judy Prestininzi of San Marcos, California. Ms. Prestininzi portrayed a third class…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Ballroom Dance Club to host “After the Prom Party”
To help bring back the nostalgia of those halcyon days of youth, vigor and let’s dance, the PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club presents the After the Prom Party! Each of us has those latent memories of spring, the prom, pending graduations and heading into summer. Bring those memories to our last dance of the season. This…
Generals, May 2015
PCHOA budget summary – 02-15
The February budget financials indicate that PebbleCreek continues the strong start since the first of the year. The February YTD revenue is 7.5% favorable to budget with all departments exceeding their projected revenue for the first two months of the year. February had nine new home closings including one Villa for a year to date…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Two classes by Jan Dietman offered
Maryalice Carl, Publicity Chairman Ceramic Club of PebbleCreek proudly presents Jan Dietman, Ambassador from Duncan Paints, to once again, give us an opportunity to grow as a ceramic artist. Chip and Dip Platter, Sunday, May 3 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Cost is $60. French Quarter Wine Cooler, Sunday, June 14 from 10:00 a.m.…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Caring for the caregiver
Rayma Scalzo We are so pleased and lucky to have Regina Thibideau, M. Ed., speak to our Alzheimer Caregiver’s Discussion Group on Saturday, May 16. She is the Caregiver Support Specialist and Caregiver Coach for Benevilla, the Adult Daycare Program. For the past nine years she has been the facilitator of several Dementia and Parkinson’s…
Clubs & Classes, May 2015
Olive plate

Maryalice Carl Come join our teacher Sharon Pelikan on Wednesday, July 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. It will be a fun day making this beautiful plate. Cost is $20 all-inclusive. Please sign up in the Expressions Gallery with a check made out to CCPC (Ceramics Club of PebbleCreek). Please bring your lunch, a…
Front Page, May 2015
PebbleCreek resident Tom Leyda receives award from the Salvation Army

Melany Stroupe Tom Leyda, a longtime volunteer, PebbleCreek resident and Salvation Army board member, has been presented the 2014 Sally Award by The Salvation Army. The Sally Award honors an advisory board member for outstanding voluntary service to the Army. The award has been bestowed locally since 1963 and is the highest honor given locally…