Category: April 2016

Kare Bears’ Korner

Kare Bears upcoming events Calendar of Events April 14: The Groves Tour 11:30 a.m. April 20: Monthly Presentation, 11:00 a.m., Eagle’s Nest Ballroom April 21: Abrazo Hospital Tour, 10:00 a.m. April 29: CPR/AED Class, 8:30 a.m., Tuscany Falls Ballroom One May 12: Estrella Estates Tour, 11:30 a.m. May 19: Abrazo Hospital Tour, 10:00 a.m. Thank…

Suns vs. Kings bus trip planned

Suns vs. Kings – April 11 Bus Trip is a go! Tickets available now. Your Activities Office is pleased to announce that our bus trip to see the Suns is a definite go! In fact, the Suns are sending us their special Fox Sports Bus as an incentive! Ride in sports style to the game!…

Subscribe to be in the know

Priscilla Wardlow Do you love to keep up with what’s happening in PebbleCreek? Subscribing to one of our electronic newsletters is a great way to do that. Just grab your keyboard and go to to sign up. PebbleNews is published every Monday morning and covers all of the happenings through a list of links to…

PCHOA Board of Directors meeting minutes – January 20

Wednesday, January 20, 2016, Tuscany Falls Ballroom, 11:00 a.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Gregg Clymer/Vice-President/PCHOA, Sherry Gonzales/Director/PCHOA and George Atwell/Secretary/PCHOA. Call to Order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA and a welcome to Sherry Gonzales the newest member to the Board. Motion by Gregg Clymer to approve the proposed draft of the December 16, 2015, Board of Directors meeting minutes,…

LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek

What’s happening in April for LLL? The 2015–2016 season is almost over but there are still a few events for you to enjoy during April. For more information about these events, please visit April 7: Trip – Amazon Distribution Center trip; wait list only. April 7: Cinema Society – Final movie of the season. 10:00…

Save the date

PC Musicians: A Burst of Music IX Thursday, March 31 through Saturday, April 2 ShowTime: Damn Yankees Monday, April 11 through Saturday, April 16 Tickets on sale at Eagle’s Nest Kiosk, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. until sold out. PC Singers: Spring Concert Wednesday, April 27 through Saturday, April 30 Tickets on…

PC Live On Stage

PebbleCreek Singers presents “Rockin’ Rhythms” Donna Swagger Rockin’ Rhythms is coming your way soon! The PebbleCreek Singers, under the direction of Gail Kennedy, will perform their annual spring concert beginning Wednesday, April 27 and continuing through Saturday, April 30. All performances are at 7:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theatre. Tickets will go on sale Saturday, April…

Wisconsin Party highlights

A plethora of Wisconsin veterans.

Pat Jensen The nineteenth annual Wisconsin Party was a great success. 183 people attended and had a lot of fun. Raffle tickets and 50-50 tickets were purchased with high hopes of winning. The card game gathered a lot of interest and the room full of people got very quiet (who would guess) as we got…