Category: March 2025

Ukulele Club Welcomed Newcomers to Open House

Gillian Driscoll PebbleCreek Ukulele Club held their third Open House in January. Approximately 12 newcomers joined 20 regulars for an introduction to the ukulele and an afternoon of fun and music. Jim Miller, club vice president, gave the newbies a quick lesson on the ukulele and taught them several chords, as well as instruction on…

Fairway Foxes Holiday Dinner

Lois Hanson The Fairway Foxes golf ladies and their spouses enjoyed a lovely dinner at Eagle’s Nest to welcome in 2025. In attendance were Cherri and Bill Baxter, Mary and Doyle Blaylock, Linda and Dick Campbell, Bev and Dan Clinton, Arlene and Jack Engelbert, Dava Esman with Bruce Morehouse, Barb and Dennis Hagen, Lois and…

PCL9GA Winners

Pat Jensen We had great weather for our two-day PebbleCreek Ladies Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCL9GA) Member-Guest Tournament. Two hundred and eighty-five ladies risked getting a sunburn in the sunny afternoon, hoping to win a little money for their efforts. There were four first–place winning teams, but there were many other winners.

Just Folks Dr. King Jr. Celebration

Phylice Walton Just Folks held its annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration on Jan.20 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Our theme “Where do we go from here? Community or Chaos” was highlighted throughout our celebration. We had three speakers, Rev. Richard Holmes, Tanner A.M.E. Church, student speaker London Moore, and Signa Oliver.…

Sewing Club Snap Bag Class

Lisa Reichert On Feb. 5, the Sewing Club had 13 ladies attend the Valentine’s Snap Bag class taught by Kathy Brown. These bags are made from plastic mesh material and finished off with a cute Valentine print fabric. What makes the bags snap you may ask? Two strips of a metal tape measure are sewn…

Passover Seder to Be Held April 13

Ronnie Levine The Shalom Club will hold a Passover Seder on Sunday, April 13, at 6 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. There will be a reading of the Passover Haggadah and a traditional Passover meal. The cost is $54 per person for Shalom Club members and $70 for nonmembers. Payment should be sent…

Corvettes Caravan to Dillon’s Bayou

Stephen Banet On Jan. 30, 13 Corvettes from the PebbleCreek Corvette Club caravaned to Dillon’s Bayou restaurant at the Lake Pleasant east marina. Twenty-eight people enjoyed the drive up and the good food and camaraderie. If you have a Corvette and live in PebbleCreek you are eligible to join. Contact Terry Worwa at 224–715–7126.