Category: Clubs & Classes

GoodTime Gals Social Club

Pat Atkinson It seems like spring came in January. That’s why we like PebbleCreek. LuJean Anderson and Pat Atkinson welcome all women who live in PebbleCreek. You are automatically a member of the GoodTime Gals Social Club if you live in PebbleCreek. We don’t have dues. Just come alone or bring a friend to any…

Bridge Results

PebbleCreek Duplicate Sanctioned Bridge Kathy Bergman Why Play Bridge? Bridge stimulates the brain. Bridge is one of the best ways to practice the “use it or lose it” advice for maintaining mental sharpness in older age. Research has shown that regular bridge playing improves reasoning skills and long-and–short term memory. You’ll feel the neurons firing…

PC Rovin’ Pebbles explore the desert

Lou De Carolis Every January for the past seven years, the PebbleCreek Rovin’ Pebbles RV Club travels West on I-10 about 110 miles and stakes claim to a patch of desert that we call home for a few days. Here the simple joys are found at the annual Sports, Vacation and RV Show. The largest…

Hikers tackle Arrowhead Point

Pete Williams Twenty hikers from the PebbleCreek Hiking Club did a loop hike up to Arrowhead Point in Peoria on January 26. Right behind the camera is a view down to the Arrowhead Lakes housing development. This is a very unusual view for Arizona – lots of water. Arrowhead Lakes has canals, docks behind the…

T.T.T. Chapter P news

Laurie Overson Look at these happy faces! You will look like this, too, after enjoying a Butter Braid. Chapter P members are grateful to each of you who purchased Butter Braids during our annual fundraiser in February. Your support is the reason we are able to accomplish our T.T.T. mission of sending underprivileged fourth grade…

PebbleCreek Quilters prepare for annual Spring Show

Marlene Kuskie Members of the PebbleCreek Quilters are always seeking new opportunities to learn new skills and express their creative talent. The continuing education programs are scheduled weekly this winter and spring. As members, the attendance is free and quilters provide their own materials. Each year, the variety of new techniques/skills and use of new…

Woodcarvers Club completes Kachina carving class

Larry Matney PebbleCreek Woodcarvers Club members completed a Kachina woodcarving class on January 31, 2018. Kachinas are part of the heritage of Southwest Native Americans and represent messengers that interact between pueblo people and great spirits that bring things like good weather, abundant game and a bountiful harvest. Tribes have special ceremonies where men dress…

Creativity springs on Rug Hookers

Dee-Dee Patrick Members of our club were taught to work with strips of wool to create their colorful patterned rugs. Wool is the standard media that is used in all the craft magazines and websites. So, it was unexpected and surprising to have a newcomer to our group work her first project entirely in yarn.…