The Copper State Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) met on January 21 to learn how to help support the dwindling monarch butterfly population. Chapter Regent Flora Conley, a PebbleCreek resident, became interested in the needs of the monarch after reading an article in the April 2016 PebbleCreek Post about residents Ross and…
Category: March 2017
Sports, March 2017
PCM9GA conducts 3rd annual “Beat the Pros” Tournament

Erv Stein On February 2, our PCM9GA held our third annual Beat the Pros Tournament utilizing our Tuscany Falls and Palms Courses. We consider ourselves quite fortunate to be blessed with our top notch PebbleCreek Golf Pros which for this event included Dave Vader and Jason Whitehill. That being said, of our 111 PCM9GA participants…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Italian American Club meeting and lunch kicks off new year

Jim Roberts Our very popular President Ken Minichiello, at the January 11, 2017 monthly meeting, rose among the clinking glasses to thank us all for coming out and announced during the business meeting events like the Italian Film Series, home-hosted dinners and the Social Steering Committee meeting held in January (we need more members in…
Sports, March 2017
PCLGA upcoming events
Lynn Matousek The following events are scheduled by the PCLGA for the months of March and April 2017 and, although they were noted in last month’s Upcoming Events article, they deserve to be mentioned again as they are the last scheduled tournaments of the PCLGA 2016-2017 season: March 14, 21 and 22 – Tournament of…
Generals, March 2017
Irish American 8th annual Charity Golf Tournament

Suzanne Rambach Did you miss your opportunity for the Pot ‘O Gold? Mark your calendars for next December and sign up for the next annual Charity Golf Tournament sponsored by the PebbleCreek Irish American Club. This is a fun filled event featuring an 18-hole Two Best Ball Event and a nine-hole Step Aside Scramble with…
Generals, March 2017
4th annual Golf Equipment Drive for the First Tee set for March 22

Howie Tiger The First Tee of Phoenix will be accepting donations (golf clubs, bags, balls, hats, clothing, shoes etc.) at Tuscany Falls on Wednesday, March 22 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. A collection area will be set up in the Tuscany parking lot adjacent to the pro shop. We’re hoping this year’s drive will…
Generals, March 2017
Last month of the season has great programs
If you’ve delayed seeing what LifeLong Learning is all about, if you don’t attend one or more of the following events, you’ll have to wait until October! Monday Morning Lectures (MML) begin at 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theater. Premier Lectures begin at 7:00 p.m. and admission is $15 per person. For more information, come…
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
PC Hiking Club Diary

Lynn Warren Frequently, the hikers on a Friday B hike can travel in a single car, but on February 2, nine hikers turned out and headed north to Spur Cross Ranch just north of Cave Creek and part of the Maricopa County Parks system. The morning began with a spectacular sunrise and the hikers enjoyed…
Sports, March 2017
Putters Club fun
Clubs & Classes, March 2017
Zumba ladies hold Valentine luncheon

Diane Passafiume Valentine’s Day was celebrated by the Sweethearts of Zumba at their monthly luncheon. Macaroni Grill provided the setting as well as a special menu for the occasion. The manager was very easy to work with and let us add several menu items that were not on the special menu. Everyone complimented the staff…