Dr. Robert Sellers with some of his bird carvings
Jim Brown
Dr. Robert Sellers has been a club member since 2020 but had carved wood for many years prior to joining the PebbleCreek Woodcarving Club. Bob’s summer residence is located near the Missouri River in Council Bluffs, Iowa. This might explain Bob’s prolific carving of water fowl. In the past year Bob has carved numerous birds ranging from a bald eagle to a female teal. His carvings have won awards at several shows in the Midwest as well at the Desert Woodcarving Show held annually in Mesa. One of his other hobbies is photography, and Bob has been able to combine the two hobbies, having taken photographs of many of the birds he has carved. Might we add that Bob is one of the more senior carvers in the club, celebrating his 93rd birthday this March.
Bob, a veteran and Vanderbilt graduate, entertains us with tales from early in his medical career when he was involved in many “firsts.” One, when he was involved with the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Bob worked on the development of the first pacemaker, which he describes as about the size of a toaster. In addition it had a 100 foot extension cord, which limited the distance one could travel.
Please join us in congratulating Bob on this well–deserved recognition.