Card Scores

Cribbage Club

Gary Lind

The Cribbage Club meets regularly twice monthly, the first Thursday and the third Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room at Tuscany Falls; also we have added extra playing days so check with one of the contacts below or attend one of our meetings for our complete schedule. The club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game of Cribbage. If you don’t know how to play, but are interested in learning, come join us for an afternoon of fun; we will teach you how. If you have a Cribbage board and deck of cards, please bring them with you.

We have winners to report:

11/20: Donna von Oy, Durke Johnson, Alex Elijew, Dennis Tupper, Dan Webber

12/5: Mike Boren, Donna von Oy, Bob Lenertz, Doug Groves, Bob LaChapelle

For more information please call: Donna von Oy at 623-935-1967 or Gary Lind at 623-215-4601.


Mary Ann O’Brien

The PC Euchre Club meets every Thursday evening in the Palm Room at 6:30 p.m. Play begins at 7:00 p.m. Bring $1 toward prize money. We will be electing new officers in January—if you aren’t present, we might just elect you!

Recent winners are as follows:

1st place: Muriel Milewski 61, Gil Butson and Bill Callahan 57, Carol Hanely 65, Jack Pope 61, Dennis Hanely 61, George Clark 62, Dennis Hanely 71, Mary Yates 66

2nd place: Larry Blackburn 56, Bob Farro 56, Dennis Hanely 58, Barb Clark 60, Patti Murphy 60, Barb Clark 60, Bill Halte 62, Dennis Hanely 62

3rd place: Bill Greenwood 55, Mary Ann O’Brien 55, Jerry Fox 58, Bill Todd 57, Rich Rugg and Lisa Reichert 56, Paul Messina 59, Jim Hundt 61, Barb Clark 56

4th place: Tom Reynolds 54, David Huang 57, Bob E 56, Keith Charlesworth 55, Kumiko Jageman 58, George Clark 56, Jack Pope 54

Lone Hands: Bill Murphy 3, Hank Yates 3, Jack Pope and Tom Reynolds 4, Jerry Fox 4, Jim Hundt and Gil Butson and Bill Todd 3, Hank Yates 3, George Clark 2

Low score: Ron Glynn 31, Barb Clark 32, Mike Prevendar and Tom Reynolds 32, Rosemary Willsher 32, Barb Clark 32, Tony Willsher 31, Rosemary Willsher 31, Tony Willsher 30

Thanks to all who contributed to buying new cards. If you have not done so we would ask that each player contribute $3.

Wishing all a Happy New Year and good luck at the Euchre tables!


Joan Wallon

If you are looking for fun on a Thursday evening, join us for an evening of Pinochle. The Pinochle Club meets from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room of the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. Contact Denny Wallon at 935-0220 for more information.

The winners for November are as follows:

11/5: lst place winner Marion Helton had a score of 7460; 2nd place Bill Hodgson had a score of 6530; 3rd place Leah Martin had a score of 6470 with the booby going to Mike Boren with a score of 3810.

11/12: 1st place winner Bill McLinden had a score of 6900; 2nd place Laure Szakacs had a score of 6490l; 3rd place Mike Cummings had a score of 6430; Booby Prize—no Booby Prize.

11/19: 1st place Marion Helton had a score of 7550; 2nd place Glenn Grube had a score of 6960; 3rd place Mike Boren had a score of 6790; booby going to Mike Cummings with a score of 3780.

Denny Wallon set a new high of 8600 points on November 6, 2014, which is still in place. The high score for 2015 is 8260 set by Bill Hodgdon and Sheri Williams has taken over the low score of 2400.