“Parking Lot Beggar,” Jody Ryan’s impressive image of a Mount Rainier chipmunk hoping for a treat; photo was taken with her Samsung smartphone, 1/435 sec, f4.9, ISO 40, 230mm equivalent.
Lynn Warren
For the April Photo of the Month, the Camera Club selected an impressive “wildlife” photo taken by club member Jody Ryan. While visiting Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state, Jody encountered this cute, well-balanced beggar in a parking lot, obviously hoping for a handout. Jody normally uses her Nikon for serious photography but, as is often heard, the best camera is the one you have with you. Not to miss the opportunity, Jody used her cellphone and managed to get a well–exposed, sharp image of this parking lot beggar; light on the chipmunk was great and the parking lot created a pleasing, complementary background. For information about the Camera Club, visit the club website at pebblecreekcameraclub.com or email Keith Cunningham at [email protected].