Adriana Greisman’s impressive photo of this burrowing owl couple setting up shop in Scottsdale; photo was taken with a Canon R5, 100-500mm lens, F7.1, ISO 1250, 1/2000 sec.
Lynn Warren
Each month the Camera Club selects a Photo of the Month and, for June, chose an impressive wildlife photo taken by club member Adriana Greisman. This photo of a Burrowing Owl couple was taken in April during the superbloom in nearby Scottsdale, when the couple was busy mating and preparing a nest amongst the bright yellow flowers of Globe Chamomile. Although these plants, also known as Stinknet, are members of the daisy family and are beautiful in bloom, reinforcing the bright yellow eyes of the owls, they are actually an invasive species, first documented in Arizona in 2005, but now prevalent throughout Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima Counties. Note the narrow depth of field (DOF) of the exposure which causes the owls to be in sharp focus relative to the soft focus of the surrounding chamomile. For information about the Camera Club, visit the club website at www.pebblecreekcameraclub.com, or email Keith Cunningham at [email protected].