Building Bridges

Comity Advisors

In February, the Comity Advisors presented the award-winning film series, “Race: The Power of An Illusion.” Each film was followed by a discussion with those present, led by a panel of Pebblecreek homeowners. Comity is striving to shed light on the value of inclusion and tolerance based on knowledge and understanding.

The films presented scientific and historical information about how race has been defined, perceived and constructed in American society. Using scientific facts and historic events, the films demonstrated that most of our assumptions about race are wrong. Most significantly, race is not a biological concept, but instead a concept based on “social, economic and political conditions that have disproportionately channeled advantages and opportunities to white people.”

The first episode presented scientific findings to debunk the myth of a biological basis for race. Such research determined that natural superiority and inferiority are modern myths.

The second episode addressed slavery in America, the experiences of the Cherokee Indians, the impulse for the war against Mexico, and the annexation of the Philippines, all offered as examples of how the definitions of race excluded groups of people from the human race who were seen as obstacles to American expansion.

The third episode examined how social institutions influenced the creation of race, conferring different opportunities on different groups. Examples of government policy and court decisions regarding race were featured in this episode.

Discussions following each film were thoughtful and included ideas for future efforts to ensure continued development of the value of inclusion and tolerance based on knowledge and understanding.

The PebbleCreek website provides a link for those interested in viewing the film at home.

If you have suggestions for books or videos/DVDs that would be relevant to include in a list of educational materials, please contact Roberta Medina at [email protected].