Blue Pearl Emergency Pet Hospital veterinarians to speak Wednesday, November 6

Dr. Nguyen holding Nott with Dr. Franko.

Dr. Nguyen holding Nott with Dr. Franko.

Marge Ellison, vice president

The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek is pleased to have Aaron Franko, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and An Nguyen, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Blue Pearl Specialty and Emergency Pet Hospital as speakers at our Wednesday, Nov. 6, general meeting.

We will meet at 3 p.m. in room 100 of the Eagle’s Nest activities center. All PebbleCreek residents, whether club members or not, are invited to attend this free informative meeting.

Both Dr. Franko and Dr. Nguyen are graduates of Purdue University Veterinary School of Medicine. Dr. Franko has a special interest in ophthalmology, soft tissue surgery, toxicities, and infectious diseases. Dr. Nguyen’s clinical interests include neurology, ophthalmology, and soft tissue surgeries, such as gastrointestinal obstructions and c-sections.

Their presentation will cover such common pet emergencies as cactus encounters, eating abnormal objects, rattlesnake bites, allergic reactions, trauma, and dog bite wounds.

As many of our residents are aware, our pets have needed immediate medical care during times when our regular veterinarians are not open. It is a tremendous relief to know that Blue Pearl is close by and is always open and available to us, even on holidays.

As always, there will be a box available for donations of such pet related items as pet beds, pet toys, cages, crates, leashes, collars, pet food (check expiration date), pet medications, towels, etc.

Questions? Contact Jim or Marge Ellison at 623-935-6651.