Left to right: Bill Segal, Jim Brown, and Dutch Rea with their beginner projects
Jim Brown
Want to try something new? The PebbleCreek Woodcarvers Club has beginners classes scheduled early 2023. Come on in and give it a try. There might be hidden talent just waiting to be discovered. Most of the club members had never carved a thing before walking in the door.
Beginners Classes are divided into two sessions. The project for the first session is a wooden spoon. This is carved out of basswood, and club supplied micro motors (similar to a Dremel) are used to complete the project. The class will meet four times to complete the spoon. The objective of this project is to familiarize the student with the use of power tools, and visualizing the finished project out of a block of wood.
For the second session the project is a stylized kachina, which is also carved out of basswood. This class will meet six times. This project builds on the skills learned on the first project, introduces a finer level of detail to the carving, and also introduces the student to wood burning and painting of the finished project.
There is no charge for the class, but there is a small fee for the materials that are provided. Annual dues for the Woodcarvers Club are $25 per calendar year. You do not have to join the club to take the beginner class. One can wait and see if wood carving is their “thing” before joining the club.
To sign up for the classes, go to the Quail Room in the Creative Arts Center. As you enter the room just to your left, around the corner, is a bulletin board with a Class Schedule folder pinned to the board. Sign-up sheets are in the folder. Due to room and equipment limitations, classes are limited to eight participants.
Project I, Wooden Spoon. Two class sessions are scheduled: Jan. 10, 12, 17, and 19 and March 7, 9, 14, and 16. All classes are 1 to 4 p.m. in the Quail Room.
Project II, Stylized Kachina. Two class sessions are scheduled: Feb. 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, and 23 and April 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, and 20. All classes are 1 to 4 p.m. in the Quail Room.