Tom Healy
The PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club continues the 2016 season with a casual DJ dance on Friday, September 16 in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Open to all PebbleCreek residents, tickets will be available at the Eagle’s Nest Kiosk from 10:00 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays, August 30, September 6 and 13; Thursdays, September 1 and 8 and Wednesday, August 31 at Karaoke from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 for club members and $15 for non-members.
On Saturday, October 15 the Ballroom Dance Club will host a Big Band Dinner Dance in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. This is one of the few opportunities to dance to live big band music you’ll find anywhere and one of the events that make PebbleCreek such a special place to live. Ticket information will follow in the next PebbleCreek Post.
On Friday, November 11 The Ballroom Dance Club presents the annual Mistletoe Ball in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Open to all PebbleCreek residents (as tickets are available), the Mistletoe Ball is irrefutably the most elegant ballroom dance in all of Phoenix, so don’t miss it. Details will follow in the next PebbleCreek Post.
The PebbleCreek Ballroom Dance Club is an all-volunteer organization. As the club moves into the fall season, it’s time to fill our Board of Directors for 2017. Volunteers are needed for president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary. Our club procedures are so well defined, you don’t need any prior experience to serve on the board, nor do you need to live here every month, so snowbirds are more than welcome. If you are interested in providing support to your club to keep us going through another year, please email current club Secretary Maggi Maas at [email protected].