Sylvia Armstrong, PebbleCreek Art Club president, with Bob Caine, VP of PebbleCreek Homeowners Association, at the 30th Anniversary celebration on April 20 in Sunrise Park
Susan Skolnik
PebbleCreek Art Club celebrated its 30th anniversary by hosting an afternoon gathering in Sunrise Park on April 20. Members brought light appetizers, and the club provided beverages and a delicious carrot cake. Live music was provided, which created a perfect backdrop for members and spouses to be able to mingle and visit. Homeowners Association VP Bob Caine provided remarks about the origins and contributions of the club since its inception in 1993. Current president of the club, Sylvia Armstrong, introduced past presidents, each of whom spoke about their tenure.
The final meeting before summer break was held on April 28 in the Coyote Room. Ongoing plans for the upcoming Annual Art Show and sale were discussed and deadlines for entry into the show were mentioned. This year’s show is on Oct. 14, with the theme for the Special Challenge being “Back to the Classics.” All artists are invited to submit up to three pieces into the show. Deadlines for registration and submission of work can be found at the club website, pcartclub.org.
Erika Grande discussed classes that will be offered during the summer. Though not as full a slate as during the rest of the year, there will be some classes available. A list and registration forms can be found on the Art Club website. You will also find members working in the Coyote Room during the summer, so please join us to work on your projects in a friendly, roomy space. We look forward to seeing the return of all our members in the fall.