PCLGA Raises $15,350 for Little Pink Houses for Hope!

Carole Schumacher

The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) held their Pink Out 2.0 Cancer Tournament on Jan. 14. This was the 25th anniversary of the PCLGA Cancer Charity Tournament and featured 180 golfers on the Tuscany Falls East and Tuscany Falls West golf courses.

It was a perfect day for an afternoon shotgun start when the sun came out to make up for the short morning frost delay. Tournament Co-Chairs Ellen Enright and Margaret Dlouhy chose a six-flight handicapped Scramble format for the tournament to provide for a very fun day. They also enlisted the assistance of 22 amazing volunteers on the course offering the ladies a chance to test skills, or their luck, and when needed have Dennis Downs or Ronnie Decker smack a drive for them.

Pam Volm organized her traditional Pinwheel Remembrance Garden honoring those battling and surviving, and memorializing those we’ve lost to this dreadful disease.

Our Charity was Little Pink Houses of Hope (littlepink.org). We were proud to generate a total of $15,350 from ticket sales for 33 gorgeous baskets donated by PCLGA ladies golf groups, a split the pot raffle, the pinwheel garden, on-course fun, and donations from the generous ladies of the PCLGA who opened their hearts and wallets. Donations for 2025 were $2,500 more than our donation to the same cancer charity in 2024!

Our after-golf gathering was highlighted with a presentation and video from the Founder and President of the Little Pink Houses of Hope, Jeanine Patton-Coble. We had an open bar with tasty appetizers during the raffle. A special thank you to the winners that turned and donated their winnings to the charity.

Scramble winners were announced, and bragging rights go to: Flight 1: Sharon Hadley, Susan Slaughter, Maureen Crandall, and Helen Wagner; Flight 2: Nina Coulombe, Carol Dick, Linda Nathan, and Kathy O’Sadnick; Flight 3: Melissa Addington, Leslie Estelle, Kathy McMillin, and Barbara Stampke; Flight 4: Jackie Christianson, Jane Hee, Alice Lewis, and Carolyn Suttles; Flight 5: Ilona Barlow, Elaine Carlson, Judy Hauser, and Mary Petersen; Flight 6: Pamela Berg, Sari Hellsten, Janell Jenson, and Bergitta Reese.

To finish a perfect day, we joined in a candlelight moment decorated with music and took a moment to pause and think about our loved ones and friends who may be battling cancer, illness, or any difficulties in life. It was a moment that touched everyone’s heart.

Our final tribute was to deliver a rose to the ladies of the PCLGA who are warriors battling and surviving cancer.