Unit Happenings – May 2024

Unit 8 Enjoys Royal Jasmine

Last month the ladies of Unit 8 explored a wonderful Mexican food restaurant; in March we visited a favorite Thai locale, Royal Jasmine. Our monthly expeditions always include good food and warm fellowship. Please join us if you are a resident or a visitor to Unit 8. Find out where we are going next by contacting Jane Holdcroft at [email protected]. We would love to include new folks! (Photo by Jane Holdcroft)

Unit 20 April Ladies’ Lunch

Peggy Pase

The ladies of unit 20 met for lunch on the patio at Old Pueblo Cafe in Litchfield Park on April 3. We enjoyed delicious Mexican dishes and visiting with each other. Thanks to Cindy Patterson for hosting. Can’t wait to see where we’ll go next!

Unit 26 Ice Cream Social

Gena Wikstrom

Neighbors of Unit 26 gathered March 21 for an ice cream social, hosted by Debbie Vasilofski. Everyone enjoyed sundaes, smoothies, and decadent ice cream with all the toppings. Great fun and good conversation was had by all.

Unit 34 Lasagna Party and Food Bank Donations

Bob Young

The Unit 34 Annual Lasagna Party was held April 6 and hosted by Josie and Sam Montgomery. There are 56 homes in our unit, and we had about 52 people in attendance. Thanks to Judie and Denis Harden and all who participated and donated canned goods to the St. Mary’s Food Bank. We filled a container with our unit’s donations.

Unit 38 Bocce Bash


Marilu Trainor

Residents of Unit 38 gathered for a Bocce Bash on March 23. The bash, which featured nine rounds of different style matches, was a form of crazy bocce. Rules for each round were different and spanned from throwing a football as a target in lieu of the pallino to throwing toward the target while bending over backwards. Crazy bocce, unlike traditional bocce, happens when different objects are used in lieu of the regular pallino and bocce balls. Attendees were also challenged when they used golf balls in place of the traditional bocce balls to reach the target.

Many favorable comments and laughs happened throughout the evening, and then the attendees shared appetizers and beverages after the matches at the PebbleCreek bocce courts. Unit 38 resident Carol Horan summed up the evening as “The best gathering ever had in Unit 38. Great weather, good food, perfect venue, and nice neighbors. You can’t ask for anything more.”

Unit 46 Ladies’ Luncheon Fun

Seated, left to right: Tammy Carnahan, Vicky Ferraresi, Linda Pop, Joy Ameel, Diane Brzozowski. Standing, left to right: Dawn Razem, Robin White, Susan Kopecky, Jackie Brewin, Sally Klemp, Anita Acchione, Desiree Levy, Susan Gildea, Heather Bayes, Tracy Kieras, and Jeanne Laird.

On March 20 at Eagle’s Nest Restaurant, Unit 46 had a great turnout of 16 ladies who gathered for some fantastic food, friendship, and fun. A big “thank you” to Linda Pop who organizes this event, which occurs on the third Wednesday each month.

New homes continue to be built with new neighbors arriving each week on Cora Lane, N. 165th Dr., Sheila Lane, N. 166th Dr., and Mulberry Dr. So far, we’ve had several Happy Hours, Men’s Breakfasts, and Ladies’ Luncheons to get Unit 46 residents together. Our fearless leader and Unit Contact, Vicky Ferraresi, has done an excellent job in organizing a neighborhood directory and getting our good times rolling. And, most importantly, a Social Committee has been formed to continue planning for more enjoyable activities and events.

By the looks of all the smiling faces, Unit 46’s Ladies’ Luncheon was a smashing success.

Unit 48 Bocce Party

Rochelle Zuckerbrow

On April 6, Unit 48 got together for an evening of bocce ball. We enjoyed delicious Barro’s pizza. Our wonderful neighbor Lisa Bagshaw planned this event and did an amazing job. Many of us had never played before, but her team, the Bocce Bunch, was excellent at teaching us.

Unit 51 Spring Patio Party

Janet Miazga

On the lovely early evening of April 7, Unit 51 residents gathered at the home of Faye and Larry Sessoms for a spring patio party. Almost 60 neighbors attended, representing half of the houses in our unit—what a great turnout! It was so nice to share time with friends and neighbors, some of whom were newer to the unit so we got to know them better. A vast array of delicious appetizers and desserts were enjoyed by all, as well as a lovely sky and sunset. A song was sung, a prayer was said, and thanks went out to all those involved with our unit, including our gracious hosts. We look forward to having another patio party in the fall. It certainly was an enjoyable way to spend time with those around us who make our days even brighter.

Unit 51 Residents Tour Robson Reserve

Janet Miazga

Many units have taken a tour of Robson Reserve, and on March 21, 13 members of Unit 51 did so. It was nice to finally see the lovely residence home we have right next door. Jill Romo, director of sales & marketing, led us through the large venue, pointing out the fitness areas, game rooms, salon, dining room, lounge areas, outdoor pool and patios, and a sample one-bedroom unit. The furnishings and decor are top notch and the activities abound daily for the residents. Many questions were answered, and we all were very glad we took the tour and highly recommend it. It’s great to know we have such a wonderful option so close.

Unit 51 March Ladies’ Luncheon

Janet Miazga

Unit 51’s March Ladies’ Luncheon had a nice turnout of 19. We enjoyed a fun gathering at Black Angus that was hosted by Dee Blount and Karen McFall. Our tables were decorated with green shamrocks, pots of gold candy, and lovely rainbows to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. Linda Schmidt’s houseguest, Chris, enjoyed meeting our lively unit ladies, and a good time was had by all!

Unit 53 March Luncheon

Thirteen lucky women from Unit 53 gathered in mid-March for a luncheon at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse. Reservations were made early, at 11 a.m., to secure a somewhat private table near the windows. The waiter team was prompt and friendly, and the menu was extensive. Serving so many women at the same time and issuing separate checks to each is no easy task. As always, it was great to catch up with our neighbors and meet new friends. We are grateful such an accommodating, affordable eatery is just down the street.

Unit 54 March Ladies’ Luncheon

Unit 54 held their monthly luncheon at Papa Paul’s in Litchfield Park on March 19. The temperature was perfect on the outdoor patio, and we enjoyed dining and catching up with neighbors who until recently were not able to join our monthly luncheons. Outstanding food choices included pizzas, salads, and pesto sandwiches. Thirteen ladies were in attendance: Patty Klepinger, Debie Strada, Deb White, Sheri Spirek, Helen Limjoco, Patty Vitale, Hiromi Bashore, Cindy Klein, Cindy Strong, Judy Kettlewell, Mary Jane Broom, Julie Kemper, and Barb Dunson.

Unit 54 Men’s Breakfast

PebbleCreek Unit 54 enjoyed a men’s breakfast on April 10. From the bottom left, clockwise, are: Jack Klepinger, Steve Kunkle, Richard Raugust, Mike Strong, Rob Klein, Steve Lookabaugh, Peter Chimicles, Brad Gray, Claire Martin, and Fred Kettlewell.

Unit 54 Men’s Breakfast

Fred Kettlewell, Steve Domholt, Fred Biancardi, Stan Limjoco, Roger Douglas, Rob Klein, Richard August, Harold Rathman, Jack Fink, and Mike Strong enjoyed breakfast together on March 14.

Unit 56 Ladies’ Luncheon

The Unit 56 March Ladies’ Luncheon took place on March 12 at BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse in Goodyear. We enjoyed lunch and visiting with neighbors. We’re looking forward to more luncheons in 2024.

Unit 58 March Social Features Luau

Ed Raker

The Unit 58 monthly social hour for March was very special. Host and hostess Bart Alford and Irene Manalili provided their home and their patio for much more than a party venue. This time we were also treated to a mini concert by members of the PebbleCreek Ukulele Club, professionally done under the direction of Irene. The lovely instrumental and vocal music lilted through the air, highlighted by Irene’s beautiful and authentic hula dancing. There was even a bubble machine to accompany Don Ho’s famous song “Tiny Bubbles.” The guests were inspired to sing along with the performers for many of the songs. It was a memorable event, and a great time was had by all.

March Unit 58 Men’s Breakfast

The Unit 58 Men’s Breakfast group was slightly diminished this month. There was no shortage of appetite but maybe a few too many “sore throats” or “returned to Wisconsin” kinds of things. But we had about 12 participants enjoying great meals again, this time at TJ’s Homestyle Restaurant, which has always been a favorite of the group. As our snowbirds begin returning to their nests, the turnouts will continue to shrink a bit, but we intend to keep going on through most of the summer, so long as interest remains.

Unit 60 Food Drive


Sherri Hille

Thirty-seven families donated 915.5 pounds for the Valley View Community Food Bank on March 6.

Unit 60 Spring Potluck

Sherri Hille

The Unit 60 Spring Potluck was held on April 7 at the Oasis Pool. Thirty-four people attended for good food and conversations.

Unit 60 Ladies’ Luncheon

Sherri Hille

The Unit 60 spring ladies’ luncheon was held on March 23 in the Chianti Room and attended by 16 members of the unit. We enjoyed getting together before several of our group headed back home to cooler climates for the summer.

Unit 62A March Happy Hour

Toni Erickson

A delightful happy hour was enjoyed by a large gathering of neighbors on March 26, hosted graciously in the beautiful backyard of Janelle and Gary Watts. As customary in such gatherings, everyone contributed an appetizer to share along with their preferred beverage. The evening was enriched by the remarkable musical talents of pianist Daniel Krause, known for his past performances with the band Paul Revere and the Raiders. Despite the passage of time, his talent continues to shine brightly.

On another note, I inadvertently omitted in a previous PebbleCreek Post, that Mike and Dawn Razem, our former neighbors in unit 62A, kindly opened their home for our February Unit Happy Hour. Our many thanks are extended to them.

Unit 62A March Books N Booze

Toni Erickson

On March 19, the every-other-month Books N Booze gathering took place in the lovely backyard of Dale Scanlon. All women residing in unit 62A are welcomed to partake in an evening of sharing books. Each attendee discusses books they’ve read in the past two months, offering recommendations or critiques. Even if one hasn’t had the opportunity to read, they were encouraged to join and listen to others’ insights. It’s a casual and enjoyable evening for all. Sitting, from left to right, are Patti Trapp, Julie Greenbank, and Jackie Bachmann. Standing behind them are Dale Scanlon and her daughter, Janelle Watts, and Joanne Wrout.

Unit 62B Ladies Hand, Knee, & Foot Group Celebrates 6th Anniversary

Unit 62B Ladies’ Hand, Knee, & Foot 6th anniversary tournament

Lin Ochs

In April 2018, Nancy Moore, Kathy Morris, and Sharon Krudener sat together (as assigned) at the Unit 62B ladies’ luncheon. Previously strangers, the three learned they each loved playing cards, but had been unsuccessful in putting together games on their own; the unit was so new and ladies not yet well acquainted. They agreed to collaborate to provide training and establish a unit-wide ladies Hand & Foot card group. The organizational meeting occurred in May 2018, then the first game was in June at Kay Skripka’s home. It was an instant success. Later the game format changed to Hand, Knee, & Foot. Today the group includes 34 members who alternate hosting at their homes. With four scheduled games each month and anywhere from eight to 16 players, games are always in great demand.

On April 4, 2024, the group celebrated the 6th anniversary of the group with lunch, wine, and cookies followed by a special-format tournament at the Oasis Pool. Twelve two-person teams (randomly selected) competed; winners included Joy Lovell, Jayne Parise, Deni Byrne, and Judy Crystal. Our great thanks to Kathy, Nancy, and Sharon for making this such a wonderful neighborhood group.