Left to right: Arizona Senate Candidate Eric Stafford, Arizona House Candidate Tom Tzitura, PebbleCreek Democratic Club Programs Chair Charlotte Krause, and Congressional District 9 Candidate Dr. Quacy Smith (photo by Gillian Driscoll)
Gillian Driscoll
The PebbleCreek Democratic Club held their monthly meeting on March 7. There was an excellent turnout of members and guests to hear and appreciate candidates for office in the November election.
The evening was filled with speeches from candidates seeking to be on the ballot in November. In Arizona, candidates must receive a minimum number of petition signatures to be on the ballot. Voters can now sign petitions electronically by using the E-qual portal on the AZ.gov website. In addition, Clean Elections candidates must receive a minimum number of $5 donations, which can also be made through E-qual.
Two candidates for the Arizona State House were scheduled to be present. Unfortunately Tanairi Ochoa-Martinez, Candidate for LD29 was unable to attend. Tom Tzitura, also a Candidate for LD29, was present. Mr. Tzitura is a teacher and educator. He spoke of his belief of truth in politics. He asked attendees to go to E-qual to sign his petition and make $5 donations to his Clean Elections campaign.
Eric Stafford is a candidate for the Arizona Senate, LD29. He emphasized that his background of going from high school to technical school gives him an understanding of blue collar workers’ needs. He is very involved with issues affecting young people and strives to help them understand the political situation. His other areas of interest include labor matters, working class concerns, and issues affecting women. He is working with the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative. This organization invites liberals and progressives to think differently, talk differently, and act differently in order to understand the causes of the rural-urban divide and then act to repair it through political, economic, and communications strategies. This builds bridges and serves the common interests of working and middle class Americans.
The final speaker was Dr. Quacy Smith, a lawyer, pastor, and candidate for Congressional District 9 running against incumbent Paul Gosar. Dr. Smith is a former Marine and police officer and an excellent speaker. He kept the attendees engaged with his lively presentation and humor. He now has enough signatures to be on the ballot in November. He has been traveling around the District talking to voters about the importance of preserving democracy and getting rid of ineffective people in government. He supports restoring rights that have been taken away, decency in politics, water issues, voting rights, education, and women’s equality. He reported that in his campaigning he has been able to reach and win over some Republican voters. Dr. Smith believes that “hope is on the ballot” in November. He pledged to match dollar for dollar all donations made to his campaign at the meeting.
The Pebblecreek Democratic Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. Meetings are open and all are welcome.