2022 PCMGA hole-in-one prize winners, left to right, Norm Munger, Tom Sandgren, Mike Christensen, Tim Niccum, and Larry Burnson
Howie Tiger
The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association (PCMGA) awards an annual hole-in-one prize to its members who score a hole-in-one during any PCMGA-held event. In 2022 that prize was shared by Tom Sandgren, Mike Christensen, Tim Niccum, Larry Burnson, and Norm Munger.
When PCMGA members renew their membership, $5 is collected from each member who wishes to participate in the hole-in-one fund. The amount collected is then split between all members who score a hole-in-one during a PCMGA event held in that calendar year.
We have previously reported on each of their aces, so below is a summary of these awesome shots.
Tom Sandgren: On Jan. 27, Tom made the first hole-in-one of the 2022 PCMGA season on the 17th hole at Eagle’s Nest. The hole was playing 146-yards from the blue tees to a middle-left pin placement. Tom hit a knock-down 6-iron with a fade trajectory. His ball landed on the left edge of the green, bounced right, and lo and behold it rolled into the hole. His playing partners were Jim Nowak, Ken Robinson, and Gene Howard.
Mike Christensen: On March 9 Mike made a hole-in-one on the 8th hole at Eagle’s Nest. The hole was playing 142-yards from the blue tees with a middle-pin position. Mike hit his 7-iron with a low trajectory. His ball landed just short of the green and rolled uphill to the right and into the hole. His teammates were Skip Holmes, Larry Dick, and Joe Little.
Tim Niccum: On Sept. 22nd Tim made a hole-in-one on the 17th hole at Eagle’s Nest. The hole was playing 125-yards from the white tees with a left side middle-pin position. Tim hit his 7-hybrid with a high trajectory straight at the pin. His ball landed about 4 feet in front of the hole, bounced, and then struck the flag pole head on making a loud but happy noise. His playing partners were Alan (R) Peterson, Steve DeHaven, and Kirk Harrison.
Larry Burnson: On Nov. 10 Larry Burnson made a hole-in-one on the 8th hole at Eagle’s Nest. The hole was playing 136-yards from the blue tees to a front-left pin placement. With mild wind conditions, Larry hit his 8-iron straight at the hole with a nice high trajectory. His ball landed just onto the green and rolled into the hole for all to see. His playing partners were Kurt Eleam, Steve Temple, and John McCrickard.
Norm Munger: On Dec. 29, the last PCMGA event of 2022, Norm Munger made a hole-in-one on the 13th hole at Tuscany Falls East. The hole was playing 134-yards from the white tees to a center-right pin position. His low trajectory shot was hard to see due to cloudy conditions. His ball was found in the hole upon arrival at the green. His playing partners were Mark Handzel, George Nelson, and Ed Bobigian.
Congrats to all five winners!