State Representative Steve Montenegro and Republican Club President Patricia Moore (photo by Kena Kramer)
Sheila Snyder
“As long as there is chocolate, there will be happiness.”—Wayne Gerard Trotman
February means chocolate, and chocolate brings people together. And sometimes, as in the case of the PebbleCreek Republican Club, people come together to share fellowship while learning more about their country and state government. Over 180 members attended the February meeting.
President Patricia Moore introduced the evening’s speakers, Arizona State Senator Janae Shamp and State Representatives Steve Montenegro and Austin Smith, representing Legislative District 29. The challenges and goals for the next two years were discussed, including the importance of passing legislation relating to water issues and the Arizona border. April Smith, Arizona Free Enterprise Club, shared a unique resource, “Request to Speak.” This is a way to let our legislators know how we feel regarding Arizona proposed bills as they navigate their way through the legislative system.
Congratulations were extended to newly elected AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit. Austin Smith was elected as one of three AZGOP Members at Large to the Board. Jeff Specter, club member and Precinct Captain, received the AZGOP prestigious 2022 “Victory Champion Award.”
Following are activities taking place in March:
Thursday, March 2, Membership Meeting: Tuscany Falls Ballroom, 6:30 p.m. social, 7 p.m. meeting. Speaker Shane Krauser: Taming the Beast in Washington, D.C.
Saturday, March 4, PebbleCreek Parking Lot Sale: 7 to 11 a.m. Be sure to stop by our club’s table.
Monday, March 6, PebbleCreek Republican Club Prayer Group: 1 to 2 p.m. at the home of Jim and Rosella Reggin, 15942 W. Monterey Way (TF side). RSVP to Jim at [email protected] or text Jim at 509-863-4863, or RSVP to Rosella at [email protected] or text Rosella at 509-863-4857.
Wednesday, March 8, PCRC Women’s Luncheon: 11:30 a.m., Eagle’s Nest Dining Room Alcove. RSVP to Vicki Streeter at [email protected].
Wednesday, March 8, Week One of Shane Krauser’s Four-week Series on “How to Argue Freedom and Win Every Time: 4 to 6 p.m., Goodyear Recreation Campus Multipurpose Room, 420 S. Estrella Parkway, Goodyear. Contact Social Chair Barbara Kamm at [email protected] or 408-421-6191.
Sunday, March 12, Take Me Out to the Ballgame! Spring Training Game, LA Dodgers vs Cincinnati Reds, 1 p.m., Goodyear Ballpark. Contact Social Chair Barbara Kamm at [email protected].
Tuesday, March 14, Men’s Breakfast Club: 8:30 a.m., Eagle’s Nest Dining Room Alcove. RSVP to Chuck Streeter at [email protected].
Wednesday, March 15, Week Two of Shane Krauser’s Four-week Series.
Saturday, March 18, New Member Orientation: 11 a.m., Palm Room, Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Meet other members and learn more about your club and what acronyms LD, CD, PCRC, and MCRC all mean! Seating is limited. RSVP to Patricia Moore at [email protected].
Wednesday, March 22, Week Three of Shane Krauser’s Four-week Series.
For the latest information about the club’s meetings and activities, visit the club’s website at www.pebblecreekrepublicanclub.com.
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