PebbleCreek Libraries’ Guidelines

Susan Kice

Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls both have “lending libraries” located in the respective clubhouses. The libraries are staffed by a team of volunteers who donate their time and effort to keep your libraries up-to-date and orderly, while providing a quiet place to read, study, work on puzzles, etc. Therefore anything that counters these activities is strongly discouraged, i.e. games, meetings, loud conversations, etc.

Our inventory is completely dependent upon residents donating puzzles and books … the only requirement being that the books have a copyright date of 2015 to the present and that they be in good condition. (Copyright dates can be found behind the title page.) Also all books are clearly labeled as to which library they were borrowed from, and therefore need to be returned to that library! Cookbooks, travel books, how-to books, and health/medical books are not accepted and will be discarded. Please be diligent in adhering to these requests. Both libraries follow the “honor system” of borrowing books—i.e., there is no checking out or returning policy. Please be considerate and only take a couple of books at a time and return them promptly when finished reading.

For additional guidelines regarding the PC libraries please visit the HOA website at and click on Things to Do > Libraries. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.