Tag: pets

Pet of the Month

Jeanne and Hollie

Hollie helps children read Jeanne Owens “Hello!” Hollie here bringing you an exciting update. Four and a half years ago my dad, John, and I moved from Kentucky to Arizona. Whew, whose idea was that? 110 degrees in the shade? I was used to four seasons and now there is one, summer all year long.…

National Love Your Pet Day

Whether you’re gone five minutes or five hours, there’s no doubt that your furry friend will be anxiously awaiting your return when you get home. Now’s the time to make sure you pay back the affection! February 20 is National Love Your Pet Day. Did you know that people have been keeping animal counterparts for…

Pet of the Month

Hi! My name is Winston and I am almost two years old. I live with my four-year-old dog brother, Brody, and my two humans, Barb and Bob Geiges. I am a rescue and had a really rough start. No one knows how many different breeds are mixed together to make me so cute! I am…

Pet of the Month

We are The Three Amigos Peggy Pase Grayson, Winston, and Bentley joined the Pase family in unit 20 in early April. They belonged to Peggy’s sister who passed away in March and although other people had offered to find homes for them, Peggy couldn’t stand the thought of splitting them up. She and Jim had…

Holiday season and your pets

Jim Ellison, President It is holiday season again and a time to be extra careful about your pets well-being. The holiday season is a time when family and friends visit and chances increase for your pets to escape your home. Please be extra vigilant and make sure your pets have proper identification at all times.…

Pet of the Month

Sharon Hill Sammy is our two-and-a-half-year-old AKC Holland lop-eared pet rabbit with blue eyes, which is very rare. Rabbits make great pets and they are extremely smart. Sammy is an indoor rabbit that is litter box trained. Indoor rabbits can live to be fifteen years old. Sammy loves to sit by us to be petted…