T.T.T. Chapter P Loves PebbleCreek

Board members Jan Stash, Sandy Hoffman, and Cathi Hollis along with initiate Sandy Nix.

Board members Jan Stash, Sandy Hoffman, and Cathi Hollis along with initiate Sandy Nix.

Sandy Hoffman

How fortunate we all are to call this small corner of the world our home! We are able to enjoy the sun and read on our patios, visit with neighbors, walk, bike, golf, play pickleball, hike, as well as participate in many other outdoor activities. Thinking of others who are confined to one room, or of those who do not even have a room, accentuates the appreciation of living in PebbleCreek.

Compassion for others, by members of this fine community, was once again conveyed by the number of Butter Braid Pastries ordered. Their purchase helps make a difference in the lives of less fortunate fourth grade girls. Many thanks to Carol Rice, Maura Weddle, and their committee for organizing this important endeavor. Thank you PebbleCreekers for your generosity!

This past month, new member Sandy Nix and transfer member Kathy Smith were welcomed to Chapter P. Several T.T.T. members did an informative walk through of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Valley, led by Branch Director Brittany Espinoza. Others attended the dedication,  days later. All attendees were impressed with the people, programming, and facility. With tremendous enthusiasm, it was decided by the membership to pursue sending our campers to the Boys & Girls Club in lieu of Willow Springs this year.

Stay positive, and until next month, blessings to all from T.T.T. Chapter P. Please remember, Chapter P is for poinsettia and Butter Braids!