Front row, left to right: Chris Escobedo – LD-4 & LD-13 Republican field organizer; Joanne Osborne – AZ State LD-13 representative; Doug Krause – PCRC 2020-21 president; and Drew Sexton – speaker, state director for the Trump Victory Campaign Back row, left to right: Muriel Long – PCRC 2020-2021 secretary; Sue Harrison – PCRC 2020-21 vice president; and Mary Mc Mahon – PCRC social chairman
Liz Gibson
The PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) enjoyed a large turnout of members and guests at the Dec. 5 meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. A social time began at 6:30 p.m. with a cash bar, and the meeting followed at 7 p.m. A complimentary snack table in the ballroom was provided through members’ dues, and coffee was available.
Because of popular demand, an additional half hour of social time has been added after the meeting for attendees and speakers to get together casually with questions and conversation. Snacks and coffee will continue to be served for this get-together.
The December meeting is always a festive occasion and the PCRC had its annual Christmas tree with ornaments containing names of needy families at Luke Air Force Base. Members and guests took an ornament or several to fulfill the requests for Adopt-A-Family.
The business meeting included the announcement and installation of the new officers: Doug Krause, president; Sue Harrison, vice president; and Muriel Long, secretary.
The program that followed was a dynamite presentation by the very excellent speaker Drew Sexton, state director for the Trump Victory Campaign. In addition to providing current information, he shared what needs to be done and how we can help a Trump re-election.
We were reminded that if interested in signing up for Professor Nick Damask’s lecture series to contact Bari Cavallo at 720-201-2993 or [email protected].
The PebbleCreek Republican Club wishes to thank the members and guests who have made this such a strong and positive year and for your many appreciative comments on our excellent speakers.