Wonderful brunch kicks off election season for PC Dem Club

Speakers at the 2020 Election Kick-Off Brunch included PC Dem Club Officers (left to right rear): John Moore, Treasurer; Chuck Veltri, Vice President; and Bob Conley, President. Shown also are Terry Goddard Gunn, Chair of AZ Democratic Legislative District 13 and Michael Muscato, keynote speaker and Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress, CD-8.

Speakers at the 2020 Election Kick-Off Brunch included PC Dem Club Officers (left to right rear): John Moore, Treasurer; Chuck Veltri, Vice President; and Bob Conley, President. Shown also are Terry Goddard Gunn, Chair of AZ Democratic Legislative District 13 and Michael Muscato, keynote speaker and Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress, CD-8.

Alisa Moore

Beautifully decorated in red, white, and blue bunting and American flags, the Chianti Room at Tuscany Falls was jammed as almost 100 members of the PebbleCreek Democratic Club came to celebrate the beginning of the 2020 Election cycle.

Club President Bob Conley welcomed the crowd and Vice President Chuck Veltri introduced the speakers. Treasurer John Moore was motivational, emphasizing how much impact one person can make, providing specific ways members, their friends, and family members can get involved in local, county, state, and federal races and help support the Arizona Democratic Party, Legislative District 13 (the Club’s umbrella organization), and the various candidates and issues seeking assistance, both financial and volunteer.

Michael Muscato, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress from CD-8, then laid out his vision for how all the residents in our Congressional District can be fully represented, as independents and democrats have had little to no representation for years from this district. He is a local businessman, born and raised in the West Valley, who believes in finding solutions to problems rather than being involved in muck-racking and disparaging others. His slogan is ‘Our Hometown is Always Worth Fighting For,” a position we all support wholeheartedly.

Candidate Muscato answered questions on a broad range of topics, including immigration, education, healthcare, gun violence, and jobs and the economy. His common-sense platform, full biography, endorsements, and up-to-date information about his candidacy are available at https://www.muscato4congress.com/.

Special thanks to Frankie Veltri and all the dedicated volunteers who organized, decorated, and assisted at the event, including but not limited to Judy and Ross Hart, Patti and Joe McEnerney, and Chuck Veltri.

As we move into the election season, there is lots to do—and it means being active with like-minded folks seeking to enhance life in the West Valley for everyone. For more information about the club, its activities and ways to become active, please visit PCDemClub.org—we would love to have you join our fast-growing club. We are almost at 300 members and more are arriving every day.