First place Mongos, winter Wednesday session

First place Red Hot Chili Peppers, winter Friday session
Carolyn Rota
The winter bocce leagues ended on March 26. With the cooperation of all the teams that played, we were all safe and healthy and are ready to start the spring leagues. It was, once again, decided to make a donation with the prize money to a worthy organization.
On Tuesday night, first place was Night Rollers, second place was Bocce Buds, and third place was Masked Bandits.
On Wednesday, first place was Mongos, second place was Holy Rollers, and third place was Court Jesters.
On Thursday night, first place was Vets, M&M, Chef; second place was Court Jesters 2; and 3rd place was The Ballistic Band. On Friday, first place was Red Hot Chili Peppers, second place was Avengers, and third place was Alley Cats. Congratulations to all of them, and congratulations to all of the teams that made the winter league a fantastic success. You all are winners.
There was an election in April for the three bocce board positions available. Those seats were vice president, registrar, and public relations. Check QuickScores for the results.
With the return of the spring session, some restrictions have been tweaked. Masks are no longer necessary when at the courts. The latest updates and all the current precautions that the PebbleCreek Bocce Ball Association must take, and the HOA requires, so we can have a successful spring session, can be found on the QuickScores site.
And, lastly, a very big thank you to the bocce board for providing the players of all four days and nights with that delicious spread of cookies, muffins, donuts, health bars, water, and so much more. Hopefully next season we will be back to potlucks and picnics, but at least we’re heading in the right direction.
If you have any questions or need help with QuickScores, please contact the bocce president, Tom Bose, at 602-478-8747.
Remember: wash your hands often, wear a mask when necessary, keep social distancing, and if you are feeling ill, see a doctor and follow their orders.