Wine Club News

Debbie George


Wine club elections will be held in February, for the following 2025-2027 two-year positions:

* Vice PresidentArnold Hickey, running unopposed

* SecretaryDonna Moffatt, incumbent and running unopposed

* ReservationistRobin Anderson, incumbent and running unopposed

Upcoming Events

March 18: Wine Mardi Gras featuring St. Supery wines. Don’t miss this fun event and wear your mask! Registration is Feb. 21 through March 3.

April 15: Patio party for members onlydon’t forget to make your reservations for this. Bring your own wine glass and choose the wines that you want to taste from past wine dinners along with some new ones. This is the last event in your 2024-25 membership. Registration is March 21 through March 31. You won’t want to miss this one with a food buffet and music.

If you’re thinking about joining the wine club, the dues for the new year begin May 1 and go through April 30. This is a perfect time to become a member, enjoy some good wine, and make new friends. There are a lot of new ideas on the horizoncome and be part of the fun. You can always find current information on the website at Cheers!