WellBeat into the summer fitness challenge

Melissa Kallett

Summer is on the horizon and we have the fitness challenge to start you on your way. For the seven-week period leading up to the Summer Solstice (May 1–June 21), track your participation in WellBeats virtual fitness classes and be rewarded with a more fit body and a memento for your efforts.

The WellBeats virtual exercise kiosk is located in the TF Fitness Studios building. Available, free of charge, this kiosk operated system is located in Studio No. 1 and is available any time a live instructor led class is not in session. Essentially, you can take a WellBeats class nearly any time from noon until closing each day. Class schedules are available at the Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls fitness centers as well as on the HOA website. The WellBeats kiosk offers nearly 200 classes of 20-minute to 55-minute duration. Select the class you want and watch it on the large wall screen as you exercise along with the virtual instructor. Classes available include Zumba, stretching, kick boxing, step aerobics, strength conditioning and more.

For this fitness challenge, participants will pick up their “BINGO-like” card at the Fitness Studios counter. For each WellBeats class taken, the staff member will mark your card. When you complete “the cover-all” (24 classes), you’ll receive your participation prize. The more BINGO cards you complete, the more prizes you will win.

So, join the fun, take a WellBeats class, have your BINGO card annotated, and start the “WellBeat into the Summer” challenge. Get fit for summer!