Back row from left: Kathy Smith, Gloria Fulton, Gary Lord, Nancy McSwiggan and Pat Lipetzky; third row: Marilyn Phelps, Flora Conley, Barb Purpua and Beverly Hume; second row: Jan Ruder, Bev Cummings and Yvonne Little; front row: Instructors Johanna Kaufman, Janet Day and Leslie Miller
Johanna Kaufman
On November 9 twelve more Creekers completed the introductory Mah Jongg class joining more than 200 of their neighbors who have taken the course.
Anyone walking by meeting rooms in Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse or Tuscany Falls Clubhouse on any given day might hear what sounds like a strange language including terms like “crak,” “bams,” “soap,” “pung” or “kong.” When class is in session one might observe the instructors addressing questions like “When may I stop the Charleston?” “What is a dead hand?” Or “Explain the blind pass.” These terms and questions are all a part of the very popular game Mah Jongg, a game of skill, wit and a little luck that originated in ancient China and has spread throughout the world.
Several times a year the PC Recreational Mah Jongg Club offers a six week course for those interesting in learning the basic rules, strategies, and etiquette of the game. In 2015 four classes will be offered: January 14 to February 18, April 8 to May 13, July 15 to August 19 and October 14 to November 18. The class is offered on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Anyone interested may join players in the Tuscany Clubhouse on Monday and/or Wednesday between noon and 4:00 p.m. For more information about the class or the club, Creekers may contact Club President Janet Day at [email protected].